This week saw the launch of our second working paper, Why hasn’t UK regional policy worked?. We were pleased to launch the paper on Wednesday evening at a Strand Group event at King’s College London, joined by what Politico dubbed “The Panel to End All Panels” of Lord Mandelson, Lord Sainsbury, Dame Melanie Dawes, George…
New release: “Why hasn’t UK regional policy worked? The views of leading practitioners.”
We are pleased to announce the publication of our newest working paper, which you can access here via the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government. Abstract UK domestic policy – especially in England – in recent years has focused on regional inequalities in economic outcomes and public service delivery, which are tied to a political…
National Infrastructure Commission and Department for Transport draw on our research
Our first paper, Tackling the UK’s regional economic inequality: Binding constraints and avenues for policy intervention, has been cited in several major pieces of UK policy-making over the past month. First, the Government’s Long-Term Plan for Towns, published on 1 October 2023, cited our findings around the long lasting effects of deindustrialisation on parts of the…