Tag: Amir Khusrow

The path to the well is rough…

    Two more gems from Amir Khusrau, Bahut kathin and Tori Surat: Bahut kathin Translation: The path to the well is too rough How can I fill my pitcher? When I went to fill my pitcher with water In my rush, I broke my pot. Khusro has given his whole life to you, O Nizam. Would you…

Clouds cry

Transliteration (first lines) Abr mi barad-o man shovm-e az yar-e judaa Choon kunam dil becheneen roz zedildar judaa. Abr baraan wa man-o yar satadah ba-widaa’ Man judaa girya kunaan, abr judaa, yaar judaa Translation: The cloud weeps, and I become separated from my friend – How can I separate my heart from my heart’s friend…

Every night, every day

https://vimeo.com/70399018 Lyrics and Translation   Har shab manam futada, Ba girde sarai e tou Har roz ah o nala kunam az barai e tou   Every night have I fallen, around the circle of Thy tavern every day, do I wail and cry, in yearning of Thee   Jana ba iin shakista dil-bewafa ma shou Umre…

Two Ghazals from Hafez

I’ve quoted from these before, but here are two of my favorite ghazals in their entirety: (If the videos on the other pages on this site don’t appear for you, try emptying your cache and reloading the page)       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0CRm37FQr4 Translation:   The outward ascetic has no knowledge of our state    …

Envy of the ancient idols…

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqSS7O7zKsM   Translation:  O you whose beautiful face is the envy of the idols of Azar (Abraham’s father and famous idol maker); However I describe you, your beauty is still lovelier. All over the world have I traveled; many a maiden’s love have I tasted; Many a beauty have I seen; but you are…

You make me forget myself…

Amir Khusro Translation: I dressed myself up to go see my Love but when I saw him, I forgot myself you robbed me of everything when our eyes met   You made me drink love’s elixir and I got drunk when our eyes met   My fair arms with green bangles you took by the…

Don’t ignore my sorry state

One of the most popular of Amir Khusrau’s ghazal’s this poem features lines of alternating Persian and Hindavi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGp6kSGc3Ck     Translation: Do not ignore my sorry state She rolls her eyes and makes excuses For I cannot bear this separation Why won’t she take me in her arms?   Long like curls are the nights of…

You left, but stayed in my heart

Amir Khusro My heart left me, but longing for you won’t leave my heart My heart broke apart, but the pain of you won’t lessen The moon at night rises opposite your face but the day will never come when the moon can oppose it My face is pale gold, and I grind it with…

It is love, so surrender

Ibn al-Fāriḍ   Translation: It is love, so surrender your body—passion is not easy One stricken by it would not choose it, had he reason So live without it, for love’s ease is hard it’s beginning is sickness, and its end is death But for me, dying in love longingly for the one I love, is…

Drunk eyes…

Amir Khusro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMltaO1tFso     Translation: This eternal pain has left me broken One glance of your drunken eyes and I lost my faith My life is now a tale of the past Spent, and sacrificed at the temple of you   O wondrous intoxicating eyes, o wondrous long locks O wondrous worshipper of wine, o…