Between you and me…




Is it you or me? In this there are two gods

yet You forbid, You forbid affirming duality

Your selfhood is in my negation eternally

My all clothes the all in two respects

So where is your self [hidden] from me when I see?

For my self became clear where there’s no where for me

So where is your face, the goal of my gaze?

in the the heart’s interior or the glance of the eye

Between me and you, my “I-ness” torments me

So lift, with your “I-ness,” my “I-ness” from in between



أَأَنتَ أَم أَنا هَذا في إِلَهَينِ
حاشاكَ حاشاكَ مِن إِثباتِ اِثنَينِ
هُوِيَّةٌ لَكَ في لائِيَّتي أَبَداً
كُلّي عَلى الكُلِّ تَلبيسُ بِوَجهَينِ
فَأَينَ ذاتُكَ عَنّي حَيثُ كُنتُ أرى
فَقَد تَبَيَّنَ ذاتي حَيثُ لا أَيني
فَأَينَ وَجهُكَ مَقصوداً بِناظِرَتي
في باطِنِ القَلبِ أَم في ناظِرِ العَينِ
بَيني وَبَينَكَ إِنِيٌّ يُنازِعُني
فَاِرفَع بِلُطفِكَ إِنِيِّ مِنَ البَينِ



Come! For last night, the tavern’s unseen voice told me

to be pleased with the divine decree and not to flee from destiny

Between Lover and Beloved there is no barrier

You yourself are your own veil, Hafez. Remove yourself!



بیا که هاتف میخانه دوش با من گفت
که در مقام رضا باش و از قضا مگریز
میان عاشق و معشوق هیچ حائل نیست
تو خود حجاب خودی حافظ از میان برخیز


When the bubble fills its head with the air of arrogance
It blows its head off as it rises to the top of the wine
You are the obstacle on the road, Hafez, get out of the way!
Blessed is he who walks on this road without obstacle.



حباب را چو فتد باد نخوت اندر سر
کلاه داریش اندر سر شراب رود
حجاب راه تویی حافظ از میان برخیز
خوشا کسی که در این راه بی‌حجاب رود