Advising Information

Students and other individuals requesting a letter of recommendation, click here. Professor Thornber is currently accepting graduate students in Comparative Literature, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, and Regional Studies East Asia. If you are interested in working with Professor Thornber as a postdoctoral fellow or similar appointment, please apply directly to the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of one of the Centers/Institutes with which Professor Thornber is affiliated (e.g., Reischauer Insitute, Fairbank Center, Center for the Environment, Harvard-Yenching Institute). If you are interested in working with Professor Thornber as a visiting scholar/student in Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature, please see “Visiting Scholars Application” under “Resources” on the Department of Comparative Literature website. If you would like to be sponsored through the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, please contact Professor Thornber directly.