Between Minority Politics and Regional Conflict: The Domestic-Foreign Policy Nexus in the Middle East

CGIS Knafel Bldg, K262, 1737 Cambridge Street, Bowie-Vernon Room (K262), Cambridge, MA 02138

Co-sponsored by the Weatherhead Scholars Program


Evren BaltaVisiting Scholar, Weatherhead Scholars Program. Professor, Department of International Relations, Özyeğin University.

Oded Haklai, Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Scholars Program. Full Professor, Department of Political Studies; Director, Centre for the Study of Democracy and Diversity, Queen’s University.

David PatelVisiting Scholar, Middle East Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School.


Melani CammettCenter Director; Chair, Weatherhead Research Cluster on Identity Politics. Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs, Department of Government, Harvard University.


Walid Hammam