A UN peacekeeper stands guard at a stop on the way to Ogossagou, Mali.

Addressing Ethnic and Religious Conflict

Exploring ethnic, religious, and other forms of identity-based politics, as well as ways to improve intergroup relations in diverse settings, by bringing together a multigenerational cohort of Harvard and global scholars and practitioners network of scholars at all career stages from Harvard and other US- and globally based institutions who work on conflict, conflict resolution, and identity politics.

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  • Introduction to our 10 Graduate Student Affiliates
    We are happy to announce the following 10 graduate students as recipients of our annual Graduate Student Grant that funds student research and welcomes the students to affiliate with the Research Cluster on Identity Politics. The students will have the opportunity to present their innovative research and works-in-progress at our twice-a-semester Workshop. Natalie Ayers PhD…
  • Melani Cammett Awarded a Star-Friedman Challenge for Promising Scientific Research
    Weatherhead Center director Melani Cammett is one of the 2023 winners of the Star-Friedman Challenge for Promising Scientific Research! Cammett’s research focuses on resolving conflict in ethnically divided societies. The challenge provides seed funding to Harvard affiliates for innovative research in the life, physical, and social sciences. Read more about the winners of this year’s…
  • Q&A with Melani Cammett
    What does researching identity politics mean to you? I have long been fascinated by identity and what it means for people and politics. Belonging in a community is a fundamental human need and social scientists have long observed that people tend to categorize themselves and others into social groups, with consequences for relations between people…

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