Month: May 2023

Q&A with Melani Cammett

Portrait of Melani Cammett

What does researching identity politics mean to you? I have long been fascinated by identity and what it means for people and politics. Belonging in a community is a fundamental human need and social scientists have long observed that people tend to categorize themselves and others into social groups, with consequences for relations between people…

Apply for Our Doctoral Student Grant!

harvard library

Are you a Harvard doctoral candidate whose research involves identity politics, particularly improving intergroup relationships after conflict? The Weatherhead Research Cluster on Identity Politics has a total of ten $3000 grants available. Learn more about the requirements and application process….

Welcome to Our New Website

A UN peacekeeper stands guard at a stop on the way to Ogossagou, Mali.

Welcome to the new website for the Weatherhead Research Cluster on Identity Politics. Learn about the research we focus on and the people who are conducting it. Sign up for our newsletter to keep informed on our latest news and events….