Tag: Related poems

Shustari-If Loving You Is Wrong…

Shushtari My neglect of you is reprehensible, while your love is a duty my longing is everlasting, while union is elusive On the tablet of my heart, your love has been marked my tears are the ink, and beauty is the writer The reader of my thoughts constantly recites lessons on the signs of the…

Natural Mystic

Shushtari Natural, Natural, ay, by God, Natural Natural, Natural, ay By God, Natural   A poor man like me, with a begging bag around my neck My heart is free of any care And I like people who are light-hearted Such is the natural, he is liked by every natural Natural, Natural, ay, by God, Natural…

One Love

    Ibn al-Fāriḍ Translation: As for my way in love, I have no way If I neglect my love for a day, then I have left my sect And if the thought of other than you occurs to me Inadvertantly, I would consider it as my apostasy You govern my life as you will, so…

The Music of Hafez

These are two of the most musical ghazals of the most musical of Persian poets, Hafez. The beauty of their melodies and rhythms are only surpassed by the sublimity of their meanings:   Translation: Without the beloved’s beauty, the soul has no interest in the world He who doesn’t have that, in truth has no…

‘Iraqi and Shushtari—The Wealth of Poverty

‘Iraqi   Translation: I have seen that the lane of piety stretches out, far, far into the distance; My dearest friends, can you not show me then the way of the madman? Bring me a glass of Magian wine that I may drink deep for I have given up all thought of ascetic piety; or…

O you present in my heart…

Translation: O you present in my heart, thinking of you makes me sweet If no one ever visits my eye, then my heart will take its place for me I am not gone, but my body is vanishing from wasting away So no blamer found me, and no chaperone/rival saw me Had the era known about me, people would…

Rumi and Hakuin: Water and Ice

Hakuin All beings by nature are Buddha, As ice by nature is water. Apart from water there is no ice; Apart from beings, no Buddha. How sad that people ignore the near And search for truth afar: Like someone in the midst of water Crying out in thirst, Like a child of a wealthy home…

‘Afīf al-dīn Tilimsānī and son

The disciple of Ibn ‘Arabi, ‘Afīf al-din Tilimsānī (d. 1291), and his son (known as al-Shab al-Ẓarīf, “The Elegant Youth” ) are known and loved for their poetry, some of which is still sung today.  Here I present one poem from the father, and a more famous poem by the son with special thanks to K.M. for…

Me/not Me

Shah Niyaz Barelvi A lover without news I am I am not I, yet I am I A Knower with art I am I am not I, nay I am I   Burning of the heart and liver I am Restless in seclusion I am knowledgeable of all cures I am I am not I, nay…

Three more ghazals of Hafez

Three more gems, back to back in his Divan: Translation: O you whose road-dust is the blood-price of China musk and in whose crown’s shade the sun is tenderly nurtured Strut out, for the narcissus’ pride is getting to be too much I would die for the way your dark eyes look Go ahead and…