Tag: Persian Sufi poetry

Rumi-Your hair is Laylat al-Qadr

  Translation: It’s morning and there’s wine so we’re going to stand on the sky We’re going to go beyond Taurus to the constellation of the moon We’re not looking for a fight, and have nothing to say about others For it’s time for union, and with that we’ll be glad Your face is a…

Hafez on Laylat al-Qadr

Translation:   Last night, at the moment of dawn, they saved me from sorrow And in the darkness of night, they gave me the water of life By the rays of the light of the Essence they made me selfless They gave me wine from the cup of the radiance of the Attributes What a…

Hafez on Ramadan

  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or3Jxc76wtA   Translation:  In the month of Sha’aban, do not neglect the glass of wine This sun will disappear untl the ‘Eid of Ramadan   Original: ماه شعبان منه از دست قدح کاین خورشید                   از نظر تا شب عید رمضان خواهد شد    Translation:  Come…

Rumi: By love

Translation: By love, the bitter becomes sweet By love copper coins become gold By love, the dregs become clear By love, the pain becomes healing By love, the dead is made living By love, the king is made a slave And this love is the result of knowledge Who, in foolishness, ever sat on such…

Hafez: We are Red Lions, Black Cobras

A new favorite from Hafez… Translation:   Although we are the king’s slaves We are the sovereigns of the kingdom of the dawn   With treasure in our sleeves and holes in our pockets We are the surface of the world-seeing cup and the dust of the road   Awake with presence, yet drunk with…

Love beyond words…

Ibn al-Fāriḍ In the art of describing his beauty, time itself expires and yet still there remains in him, what has not been described   وعـلى تَـفَنّنِ واصِـفيهِ بِحُسْنِهِ          يَـفنى الـزّمانُ وفيه ما لم يُوصف   Anon. A robe woven from the cloth of 29 letters would still fall short of…

Hafez says, “Shatter”

Translation:   Give us love’s flirtatious look and shatter sorcery’s bazaar With but a seductive glance, shatter wealthy Samer’s law Give both the head and turban of the whole world to the wind That is, let your hair down, let the heart-breaking begin Tell the lock of hair to give up its bold arrogance “Shatter…

The magic of music

  What is music and why there is so much of the enchantment of love in it? Music is the secret of Love and Love is the secret of God   Original: سرود چيست كه چندين فسون عشق داراوست سرود محرم عشق است و عشق محرم اوست     Love plays its lute behind the…

The certitude of my brightest love

  Hafez:  I have never seen a more beautiful reminder than the words of love that linger in this turning dome            از صدای سخن عشق نديدم خوشتر   يادگاری که در اين گنبد دوار بماند   Cristina Branco:   The certitude of my brightest love The certitude of my brightest…

Love’s Ocean Has No Shore…

Say: Were the ocean ink for the Words of my Lord (to be written out), sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the Words of my Lord, even if We added another ocean like it, for its aid. -Surah Kahf: 109   Sarmad: The ocean of his generosity has no shore. The tongue is…