Tag: Persian Sufi poetry

She walks in beauty like the night…

One of my favorite English poems of all time is reminiscent of Sufi poetry about Layla, whose name means “night,” and who symbolizes the beloved Divine Essence/Essence of the Self. Lord Byron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_zCOJOgd4U She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright Meet…

Hafez—If you pass by my grave…

Two of my favorite poems of Hafez; legend is that scholars decided to settle a debate over whether or not Hafez should receive a proper Muslim burial by performing divination with his poetry, the last couplet of the second poem emerged and Hafez was given a proper burial and his shrine has remained a site…

Khaqani on Love

Khaqani Translation: The bird that sings the song of pain is love The courier who knows the tongue of the Unseen is love The existence that calls you to nonexistence is love And that which redeems you from you is love   Original: مرغی که نوای درد راند عشق است پيکی که زبان غيب داند…

Wherever you put your foot, we are the ground

Rumi:   Translation: Oh beloved we only see you through your love Wherever you put your foot we are the ground for you So how can it be that in this way of love We see the world through you and yet we don’t see you? Original: ای دوست به دوستی قرینیم ترا هرجا که…

Majnun (Niẓāmī) and John Donne

Niẓami Translation: And who am I — so far from you, yet near? A singing beggar! Layla, do you hear? Freed from life’s drudgery, my loneliness , Sorrow and grief for me spell happiness. And thirsty in the painstream of delight, I drown. Child of the sun, I starve at night. Though parted our two…

One Love

    Ibn al-Fāriḍ Translation: As for my way in love, I have no way If I neglect my love for a day, then I have left my sect And if the thought of other than you occurs to me Inadvertantly, I would consider it as my apostasy You govern my life as you will, so…

I looked and all I saw was you…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1ZMU1dZpIY   Translation: If the meaning of your speech is not for me, then I don’t know For my heart will not be cured and my liver’s fire will not be quenched I looked and I didn’t see any one but you whom I love If not for you, love would not be sweet for those who…

The Music of Hafez

These are two of the most musical ghazals of the most musical of Persian poets, Hafez. The beauty of their melodies and rhythms are only surpassed by the sublimity of their meanings:   Translation: Without the beloved’s beauty, the soul has no interest in the world He who doesn’t have that, in truth has no…

‘Iraqi and Shushtari—The Wealth of Poverty

‘Iraqi   Translation: I have seen that the lane of piety stretches out, far, far into the distance; My dearest friends, can you not show me then the way of the madman? Bring me a glass of Magian wine that I may drink deep for I have given up all thought of ascetic piety; or…

Shabistari on the pure drink

Qur’an 76:21 Translation: Upon them are robes of green silk and embroidery, and they are adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord pours for them them a pure wine.   Original: عَالِيَهُمْ ثِيَابُ سُندُسٍ خُضْرٌ وَإِسْتَبْرَقٌ وَحُلُّوا أَسَاوِرَ مِن فِضَّةٍ وَسَقَاهُمْ رَبُّهُمْ شَرَابًا طَهُورًا Shabistari:   Translation: Consider the meaning of “their Lord gives them…