Tag: Persian Sufi poetry

Camaron, Me, and ‘Attar

El Padre Santo de Roma   Translation: Lailolailolailo, Leilo … Holy Father in Rome, I have to ask if the sins that I have if the sins I have, if the sins I have, can they be forgiven? I’m like a sad bird that goes from branch to branch, singing its suffering, singing its suffering,…

The Whole World is Drunk

      Translation: O caravan leader, look the camels of the caravan, they are all drunk The prince is drunk, the shaykh is drunk, the friend is drunk, and the strangers are drunk   O gardener, the thunder has become a musician, and the cloud’s become the saki The garden is drunk, the thicket…

I am wind, you are fire

Rumi       Translation: I saw myself as a thorn, so I went towards a rose I saw myself as vinegar, so I mixed myself in sugar I was a bowl full of poison, so I went to the cure I was a cup of dregs, so I dived into the water of life…

Cups and wine and vine-Hafez

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv6KJNHalmQ Last night I saw the angels tapping at the wine-shop’s door. And kneading Adam’s dust, and molding it as cups for wine;   And, where I sat beside the road, these messengers of heaven Gave me their wine to drink, so that their drunkenness was mine.   The heavens could not bear the heavy…

When she begins to sway — لمّا بدا يتثنى

Another gem from al-Andalus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRGlzIhWgAY       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GV6P3YSvrY   Translation (of the most common version, in Arabic below): When she began to sway my Love’s beauty entranced me With a glance, she captured me the branch bends when it sways O my promise, O my wonder, None can console my complaint of love and…

Two ghazals of Hafez

No one has seen your face, and yet Thousands of rivals seek you; You’re still a bud and yet a hundred Nightingales entreat you.   However far I am from you (May no one know that place!) I cannot help but hope that soon I’ll be in your embrace;   And it’s not strange that…

Along the path…

The love of her beauty is a sea of fire.       If you’re a lover you’ll burn; such is the path. Where a bright candle’s flame suddenly heaves       won’t the moth burn?  Its burning is certain. If you want love’s secret, leave faith and disbelief.      What room is…

Camaron and Hafez: Love’s Minstrels

Translation of Lyrics: Strumming the strings of his guitar, Strumming the strings of his guitar, A Sultan complained of his Queen. Two wells of stars, your black eyes, And a moonless rose, your black hair, Your black hair, your black hair, Two wells of stars, your black eyes. The rosemary bush smells of your body,…

From ‘Imrani, the Jewish Persian poet

My body exhausted, my soul injured, and my heart wounded I am estranged from the Beloved and distant from myself I am worn out as the wretched I am distraught and mournful as the beggars Having lost the essence of youth, My soul has grown old for want of strength Yet!  Despite all these pains…

Rumi on Karbala

كل يوم عاشوراء وكل ارض كربلاء Translation: Where are you, o martyrs of God? You calamity seekers of the desert of Karbala Where are you, o you the light-winged lovers Lighter than the birds of heaven, o celestial soveirgns Who have opened the gates of the heavenly spheres You who have released yourself from time and…