Tag: Basho

Hafez and Basho

  Basho A strange flower for birds and butterfliesthe autumn sky   Glorious the moon . . . therefore our thanks dark clouds Come to rest our necks The first day of the year: thoughts come – and there is loneliness; the autumn dusk is here.   None is travelling Here along this way but I,…

Basho on poetry

“What is important is to keep our mind high in the world of true understanding, and, returning to the world of our daily experience, to seek therein the truth of beauty. No matter what we may be doing at a given moment, we must not forget that it has a bearing upon our everlasting self…

The cicada: Camaron and Basho

A cicada shell; it sang itself utterly away.   In the cicada’s cry There’s no sign that can foretell How soon it must die.   stillness— sinking into the rocks, cicadas’ cry —Barnhill, Bashō’s Haiku, 94, #392 -Basho   Camaron Translation: Don’t sing cicada silence your chirping, For I carry a pain in my soul, A…