Category: Persian

Hafez- “I said I suffer for you” “گفتم غم تو دارم” I said, “I suffer because of you.” She said, “Your suffering will end.” I said, “Become my moon.” She said, “If it comes to pass.”   I said, “From lovers learn the custom of loyalty.” She said, “Among the moon-faced ones this is rarely found.”   I said, “I will barricade your image…

Hafez comes to life English version:   The Peacock   Until your hair falls through the fingers of the breeze My yearning heart lies torn apart with grief  Black as sorcery, your magic eyes Render this existence an illusion  The dusky mole encircled by your curls Is like the ink-drop falling in the curve of the…

Rumi-I can’t live without you

                      Translation: Franklin Lewis from: Rumi-Past and Present, East and West The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal ad-Din Rumi.  One World: Oxford, 2000…

Shirazi Turk (Hafez)

The story goes that when Timurlane conquered Shiraz, he questioned Hafez about the first bayt of this poem, saying it was an insult to his royal majesty for Hafez to think so little of his magnificent cities, Samarkand and Bukhara.  The poet replied, “Alas, O Prince, it is this prodigality which is the cause of the…