Category: Persian

Rumi and Hafez: Love’s Language

Rumi: Translation: When the tent-pavilion was pitched for Solomon, the birds came before him to pay their respects.  They found him speaking their language and familiar with them; one by one, they sped with eager souls into his presence. All the birds, having ceased from twittering, became more articulate with Solomon than your own brother: Having…

Hafez-Your beauty, like my love

بگرفت کار حسنت چون عشق من کمالی   Translation:   Your beauty, like my love, grew into perfection Be happy, for these two will not decline   Neither imagination nor intellect can picture a reality more beautiful than this image   I would have fulfilled my life’s fortune if ever union with you was my…

Hafez and ‘Imru’l Qays

Hafez:   My tears are after you, do not despise them. For how many deep seas form from shallow springs!   Original: دموعي بعدكم لاتحقروها فكم بحر عميق من سواقي       Hafez:   سلام الله ما کر اللیالی   Translation: As long as the nights follow one another And the two-stringed lutes answer…

Rumi-I am the hoopoe…     Translation: Show your face, for the orchard and rosegarden are my desire; open your lips, for abundant sugar is my desire. Sun of beauty, come forth one moment out of the cloud, for that glittering, glowing countenance is my desire. Out of your air I heard the…

Carminho and Rumi-Pain

A Voz     Translation: Sometimes there is a voice that rises Higher than the world and higher than us And makes my eyes weep, when it sings In the tears that silence my voice It plunges my senses and time To the farthest point of who I am And embraces that place, so gray…

Carminho-Silence is never empty

Nunca é silêncio vão Translation: Silence is never empty When it is between you and me. Thinking about whatever may be All I know is I feel love When you’re silent with me Here we are the two of us Holding hands inside my car You alway console me that way Silent, next to me…

The Whole World is Drunk

      Translation: O caravan leader, look the camels of the caravan, they are all drunk The prince is drunk, the shaykh is drunk, the friend is drunk, and the strangers are drunk   O gardener, the thunder has become a musician, and the cloud’s become the saki The garden is drunk, the thicket…

I am wind, you are fire

Rumi       Translation: I saw myself as a thorn, so I went towards a rose I saw myself as vinegar, so I mixed myself in sugar I was a bowl full of poison, so I went to the cure I was a cup of dregs, so I dived into the water of life…

Cups and wine and vine-Hafez Last night I saw the angels tapping at the wine-shop’s door. And kneading Adam’s dust, and molding it as cups for wine;   And, where I sat beside the road, these messengers of heaven Gave me their wine to drink, so that their drunkenness was mine.   The heavens could not bear the heavy…

When she begins to sway — لمّا بدا يتثنى

Another gem from al-Andalus:   Translation (of the most common version, in Arabic below): When she began to sway my Love’s beauty entranced me With a glance, she captured me the branch bends when it sways O my promise, O my wonder, None can console my complaint of love and…