Category: Original Poetry

Lovers never die

Hafez:                     هرگز نمیرد آن که دلش زنده شد به عشق ثبت است بر جریده عالم دوام ما He whose heart has been revived by love will never die Our eternity has been written in the record of the world   Me: Lips scalded by love’s tongues of…

Carminho-I said goodbye…

Disse-te adeus   Translation: I said goodbye to you, I don’t remember What day in September it was Only that it was dawn The street was empty And even the moon, not wanting to intrude, Pretended that it saw nothing We smiled at farewell Like people who know that life Is just another name that…

Camaron, Me, and ‘Attar

El Padre Santo de Roma   Translation: Lailolailolailo, Leilo … Holy Father in Rome, I have to ask if the sins that I have if the sins I have, if the sins I have, can they be forgiven? I’m like a sad bird that goes from branch to branch, singing its suffering, singing its suffering,…

Cups and wine and vine-Hafez Last night I saw the angels tapping at the wine-shop’s door. And kneading Adam’s dust, and molding it as cups for wine;   And, where I sat beside the road, these messengers of heaven Gave me their wine to drink, so that their drunkenness was mine.   The heavens could not bear the heavy…

Points of Ink, Gasps of Breath

“All that is in the Revealed books is in the Qur’an, and all that is in the Qur’an is in the Fatihāh, and all that is in the Fatihāh is in ‘Bismi ‘Llāhi ‘r-Rahmāni ‘r-Rahīm.’” “All that is in  ‘Bismi ‘Llāhi ‘r-Rahmāni ‘r-Rahīm’ is in the letter Bā, which itself is contained in the point that…

Zen and the snowman At the peak of my soul’s depths I sit in silent reverie The sun above, weather below The vast blue breathes in, out of me   The Snow Man by Wallace Stevens One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been…

Variations on a Theme: Emptiness

Love came and emptied me of self, Every vein and every pore, Made into a container to be filled by the Beloved. Of me, only a name is left, The rest is You my Friend, my Beloved. -Abu Sai’d Abu’l Khayr (trans. Vraje Abramian) from Nobody Son of Nobody.  Hohm Press, 2001   Turn…

Variations on a Theme: Heaven and Hell

My Beloved, this torture and pain I suffer because I am so addicted to Your Beauty. People ask me whether I prefer Your company to being in heaven. Heedless fools, what would heaven itself mean without the Friend’s Presence? -Abu Sa’id Abu’l Khayr (trans. Vraje Abramian) from Nobody Son of Nobody.  Hohm Press, 2001     Selected…

Variations on a Theme: Alone with Love

In music and words…   O my Lord, the stars glitter and the eyes of men are closed. Kings have locked their doors and each lover is alone with his love. Here, I am alone with you. -Rabi’a al-Basri (trans. Charles Upton)       The lovers have all gone to bed And I’m alone…

Variations on a theme (with words and without)

 With words: My Beloved don’t be heartless with me Your Presence is my only cure How can I be left with neither a heart nor my Beloved? Either give me back my heart, or do not deny me Your Presence -Abu Sai’d Abu’l Khayr (trans. Vraje Abramian) from Nobody Son of Nobody.  Hohm Press, 2001  …