Category: Flamenco

Camaron, Me, and ‘Attar

El Padre Santo de Roma   Translation: Lailolailolailo, Leilo … Holy Father in Rome, I have to ask if the sins that I have if the sins I have, if the sins I have, can they be forgiven? I’m like a sad bird that goes from branch to branch, singing its suffering, singing its suffering,…

Tangos of the Willows

Yo pienso como el cipres     Translation: I will be like the willow, I will be like the willow, though I last one hundred years, I will be like the willow, that sways in the air, but remains firm, but remains firm. I think like the cypress, I think like the cypress, the truest…

I am wind, you are fire

Rumi       Translation: I saw myself as a thorn, so I went towards a rose I saw myself as vinegar, so I mixed myself in sugar I was a bowl full of poison, so I went to the cure I was a cup of dregs, so I dived into the water of life…

Along the path…

The love of her beauty is a sea of fire.       If you’re a lover you’ll burn; such is the path. Where a bright candle’s flame suddenly heaves       won’t the moth burn?  Its burning is certain. If you want love’s secret, leave faith and disbelief.      What room is…

Camaron and Hafez: Love’s Minstrels

Translation of Lyrics: Strumming the strings of his guitar, Strumming the strings of his guitar, A Sultan complained of his Queen. Two wells of stars, your black eyes, And a moonless rose, your black hair, Your black hair, your black hair, Two wells of stars, your black eyes. The rosemary bush smells of your body,…

Flamenco is Love and Pain

“Flamenco is love and pain,” he said. “Heartbreak. In art there has to be pain, that is clear – it is like life, whether you want it or not, it is there.” -Vicente Amigo in an interview  Hafez says… مرا می*بینی و هر دم زیادت می*کنی دردم Marâ mibini o hardam, ziyâdat mikoni dardam…

Like water…

“Consider the creatures as pure and limpid water, within which shine the Attributes of the Almighty.  Their knowledge, their justice, their kindness all are stars of heaven reflected in flowing water.  Kings are a locus of manifestation for God’s Kingliness, the learned a locus for His Knowledge.  Generations have passed, and this is a new…

Hafez and Flamenco

Translation: Everyone who became an intimate of the heart, remained in my love’s sanctuary and the one who didn’t understand this remained in denail   Don’t fault my heart if it shed its veil. Thank God it didn’t stay veiled in its imagination   The Sufis redeemed all the clothes they pawned for wine Only…