Anything but your beauty is forbidden to my gaze / The tale of my love for you is ancient

Another beautiful pair of Arabic poems; the first by the Yemeni Sufi poet ‘abd al-Hādī al-Sūdī (d. 1526) has an opening similar to the two poems in the previous post (by al-Nabulusi and al-Tilimsani), and show signs of being modeled on al-Tilimsani’s; the latter poem is by al-Tilimsani’s son, al-Shābb al-Ẓarīf (“The Cool Kid”) and begins with the same lovely punning anithesis (ḥadīthqadīm) found near the end of al-Sūdī’s poem. This phrase has precedent in Ibn al-Fāriḍ’s profound and lovely verse from his lāmiyya:

ححديثي قديمٌ في هواها وما له

كما عَلِمَتْ بَعْدٌ وليس له قبلُ

My tale of loving her is ancient, and, as she knows well,

it has neither an “after” nor “before.”



Anything but your beauty is forbidden to my gaze

and any speech but yours, is a wound to me

The lifetime of the old eagle with you is just part of a day

and an hour without you is year after year

Waiting for you is an impossible thing

and the only thing that can kill me is being cut off from you

If I saw you, my worries would cease

and if you’re absent, then death draws near

So with union, heal the illness of an abandoned lover

enraptured in love for you whenever the doves coo

The story of his longing for you is ancient

he’s clothed in wasting lovesickness

For you are a cause more sublime than all causes

Whenever you wish, you can fulfill all my desires

With you, the hardest matters become easy

so with lovely excellence, be generous, dear noble

For none but you are worthy of such generosity

so how can a guest of your court embrace you?


لغير جمالكم نظري حرامُ
وغير كلامكم عندي كلامُ
وعمر النسر منكم بعض يومٍ
وساعة غيركم عام فعامُ
وصبري عنكُم شيء محال
وما لي قاتل إلا الفطامُ
إذا عاينتكم زالت همومي
وإن غبتم دنا مني الحِمامُ
فداووا بالوصال مريض هجرٍ
يهيم بكم إذا سجع الحمامُ
حديث غرامه فيكم قديمٌ
وملبسهُ من الحب السقامُ
فأنتم للأصول أجلُّ أصلٍ
إذا شئتم تحصَّلَ لي المرامُ
بكم صعب الأمور يعود سهلاً
فبالإحسانِ جودوا يا كرامُ
وليس سواكُم للجود أهلاً
فكيف نزيلُ سوحكمُ يضامُ

al-Shābb al-Ẓarīf


The tale of my passion in loving you is ancient

and the excess of my torment in loving you is bliss

Torture me with whatever you wish, save your anger

and trust my faithfulness in loving you, for it is painful

Longings make you appear to my mind’s imagination

and so I was overcome by fear and dumbfounded

The spirit is satisfied by even an imaginary glance from you

my limbs live by it even while they languish

Congrats to a glance at you that doesn’t know hate

and cursed is a heart that is not madly in love with you

When my thought revealed you, o my utmost desire

it lodged in my heart, residing there permanently

The universe is but a form and you are its spirit

and how can a body without a spirit stand?

My friend imagined that I touched paradise

while the one who feels my state denies this, for it is the boiling water of Hell

I revealed what came from you openly

discretion did not grant the sweetness of passion

The dune sprouted a branch, and I am jealous if tomorrow

a breeze plays with your elegant body

When a fire appeared on the mountain of your cheek

And shone on my heart, it revived, as if it were Moses

Torments delight my heart in loving you

and why not? for you are aware of my condition

Blessed with the voices of the pilgrims going to Minna

accompanied by the tweeting of birds in the valleys

For if you become stingy with union with me

out of disdain for me, I’ll consider that nobility

O my honor, when you left in the morning, love

left its traces upon my wasted, emaciated body

You who drive the mounts to exhaustion

in the desolate tracks, they have a stream*

When your eyes see a flash of lightning

they gleam like the stars twinkling on the horizon

And the dawn breeze reveals the secrets of the sandhills

and perfumes the barren plains with fragrance

When you see a rift, halt and ask of my beloveds

for this is what I have become to you, longing

Look, there is a deer, my longing for him is excruciating

and the doe of my heart will not leave him

I speak deceptively about him in company

while in my heart, recalling anyone but him is a wound

He has pacts with the innermost core of the heart

and between the black of the eyes there are marks/customs*

Say, “You who are unique in beauty, have pity on a refugee,

a stranger whose heart has taken up residence with you”

It took off away from him, fleeing, when you took off

so there is no return for it until you return

Peace be upon you from a broken-hearted lover

may you remain safe and sound for he is safe and sound through you


حَدِيثُ غَرامِي فِي هَواكَ قَديمُ
وَفَرْطُ عَذابِي في هَواكَ نَعيمُ
بِمَا شِئْتَ عَذِّبْ غَيْرَ سُخْطِكَ إِنَّهُ
وَصدِّق ولائي في هَواكَ أليمُ
تُمَثِّلُكَ الأَشْواقُ وَهْماً لِخاطِري
فَيُدْرِكني بالخَوْفِ مِنْكَ وُجُومُ
وَتَقْنَعُ مِنْكَ الرُّوحُ لَمْحَ تَوَهُّمٍ
فَتَحْيا بِهَا الأَعضَاءُ وَهْيَ رَمِيمُ
هَنِيئاً لِطَرْفٍ فِيكَ لا يَعْرِفُ الكَرَى
وَتَبّاً لِقَلْبٍ فِيكَ لَيْسَ يَهيمُ
وَلمَّا جَلاكَ الفِكْرُ يا غَايةَ المُنَى
فَظلَّ بِقَلْبِي مُقْعِدٌ ومُقيمُ
وَمَا الكَوْنُ إلّا صُورةً أنْتَ رُوحُهَا
وَجِسْمٌ بِغَيْرِ الرُّوحِ كَيْفَ يَقُومُ
تَوَّهَم صَحْبي أَنَّ بي مَسُّ جِنَّةٍ
وأَنْكَرَ حَالي صَاحِبٌ وَحَميمُ
فَبُحْتُ بِما ألقاهُ مِنْكَ مُصَرِّحاً
وَمَا نالَ لَذّاتِ الغَرامِ كَتُومُ
أَغُصْنَ النَّقا إنّي أَغارُ إِذَا غَدَا
يُلاعِبُ عِطْفيْكَ الرّشاقَ نَسِيمُ
وَلَمّا بَدَتْ في طَوْرِ خَدِّكَ جَذْوَةٌ
وَلاحتْ لِقلبي عادَ وهُوَ كَليمُ
يَلذُّ لِقلْبي في هَوَاكَ عَذابُهُ
وَلِمْ لا وَبِالأحْوالِ أَنْتَ عَليمُ
يَميناً بِأَصْواتِ الحَجيجِ على مِنىً
وَصَحْبٍ لَهُمْ بِالمَأْزمينِ زَميمُ
لأَنْتَ وَإنْ أَصْبَحْتَ بِالوَصْلِ باخِلاً
عَليَّ احْتِقاراً بِي لَديَّ كَرِيمُ
وَيَا شَرَفي لَمَّا غَدَوْتَ وَلِلْهَوى
عَلى جَسَدِي المُضْنى النَّحيل رُسُومُ
وَيَا سائِقاً يُضْنِي الرّكائِبَ طُلَّحاً
لَهَا في الرُّسوم المُقْفراتِ رَسيمُ
إِذَا عايَنَتْ عَيْنَاكَ بَارِقَ أَبْرَقٍ
يَلوحُ كما في الأُفقِ لاح نُجومُ
وَباحتْ بأسْرارِ الرُّبا نَسْمَةُ الصَّبا
وَعطَّر أَقْطارَ القفارِ شَميمُ
وَعايَنْتَ سَلْعاً قِفْ وَسائِلْ أَحِبَّتِي
فَهَذا الّذي أَصْبَحْتُ مِنْكَ أَرومُ
فَثمَّ رَشاً شَوْقي إليه مُبَرِّحٌ
وَريم فُؤادي عَنْهُ لَيْسَ يَريمُ
أُغالِطُ عَنْهُ بِالكَلام مُجالِسي
وَفِي القَلْبِ مِنْ ذِكْري سِواه كُلُومُ
لَهُ مِنْ سُوَيْداءِ الفُؤادِ مَعاهِدٌ
وَبَيْنَ سَوادِ المُقْلَتَيْنِ رُسُومُ
وَقُلْ يا غَرِيبَ الحُسْنِ رِقّ لِنازِحٍ
غَريبٍ لَهُ قَلْبٌ لَدَيْكَ مُقيمُ
تَرحَّلَ عَنْهُ مُذْ تَرَحَّلْتَ نافِراً
فَلَيْس لَهُ حَتّى القُدوم قُدومُ
عَلَيْكَ سَلامٌ مِنْ كَئيبٍ مُتيَّمٍ
تَظَلُّ سليماً وَهْوَ مِنْكَ سَلِيمُ