‘Eid al-Adha




When love sacrifices me, then that day will be my ‘Eid

Were it not my ‘Eid, I’d not be that real man, but a whore




عشق چو قربان کندم عید من آن روز بود

ور نبود عید من آن مرد نیم بلک غرم




If you appear, then no one else exists

and if you are not hidden, then you are unique

Whoever wants to see other than you outwardly

or inwardly, to me, is distant

O spendour of everything! If we were to witness you one day

That would be, the most joyous day of all time

Each year, for people, there are two ‘Eids

But for us, every moment with you is ‘Eid




لَيسَ لِلغيرِ إِن ظَهَرتَ وُجودُ
وَإِذا ما بَطنتَ أَنتَ فَريدُ
كُلُّ مَن رامَ أَن يَرى ظاهِراً غَي
رَكَ أَو باطِناً فَعِندي بَعيدُ
يا سَنا الكُلِّ إِن شَهِدناكَ يَوماً
فَهوَ يَومٌ مِنَ الزَّمانِ سَعيدُ
إِنَّ لِلنّاسِ كُلَّ عامٍ لَعيدَي
نِ وَكُلُّ وَقتٍ لَنا بِكَ عيدُ