Day: March 11, 2016

The Lovers’ Anthem

  This incredibly beautiful, and incredibly rich, ghazal of Hafez is my current favorite: Translation: When you hear the speech of the people of the heart, do not say that it is mistake the mistake is, my dear, not understanding this speech. My head bows neither to this world nor the next Praise God for…

Nightingale: Keats and Hafez

 Hafez sang: بلبلى خون جگر خورد و گلى حاصل كرد باد غيرت به صادش خار پريشان دل كرد طوطيى را به خيال شكرى دل خوش بود ناگهش سيل فنا نقش امل باطل كرد Gertrude Bell’s translation: The nightingale with drops of his heart’s blood Had nourished the red rose, then came a wind, And catching…