Rumi and Bossa Nova


Baden Powell and Vinicius de Moraes


Me without you, there’s no reason
Because without you, I can’t even cry
I’m flame without light, garden without moonlight
Moonlight without love, love that’s not given

And without you I’m only lovelorn
A ship without sea, a field without flower
Sadness that goes, sadness that comes
Without you, my love, I’m no one

Ah, what longing
How I wish to see our life reborn
Come back, darling
My arms need yours
Your arms need mine

I’m so alone
My eyes weary of looking into the distance
Come see life
Without you, my love, I’m no one
Without you, my love, I’m no one


Eu sem você não tenho porquê
Porque sem você não sei nem chorar
Sou chama sem luz, jardim sem luar
Luar sem amor, amor sem se dar

Em sem você sou só desamor
Um barco sem mar, um campo sem flor
Tristeza que vai, tristeza que vem
Sem você, meu amor, eu não sou ninguém

Ah, que saudade
Que vontade de ver renascer nossa vida
Volta, querida
Os meus braços precisam dos teus
Teus braços precisam dos meus

Estou tão sozinho
Tenho os olhos cansados de olhar para o além
Vem ver a vida
Sem você, meu amor, eu não sou ninguém
Sem você, meu amor, eu não sou ninguém.

Lyrics From:

More about the song here






I can be without anyone, but without you, I just can’t
My wand’ring heart bears your brand, go without you, it just can’t
Reason’s eye is drunk off you, Heaven’s wheel whirls under your thumb
Pleasure’s nose is in your hand, but without you, I just can’t
From you, the soul comes to a boil, and from you, the heart is fed
From you, reason starts to roar, but without you, I just can’t
You’re my wine and poison, my garden and spring
My sleep and my resting place, and without you, I just can’t
You’re my rank and my glory, dominion and wealth
You’re my crystal water, and without you, I just can’t
Sometimes you are faithful, and sometimes you’re untrue
Where are you going without me? For I just can’t, without you
They offer their hearts, you take it; they make repentance, you break it
All this and still more you do, but I just can’t, without you
If it were possible to be without you, the whole world would turn inside-out
The Garden of Eden would be a hell, for I just can’t, without you
If you’re the head, I’ll be the foot; if the hand, then I’m your flag
If you go, I’ll be nothing, for without you, I just can’t
You’ve bewitched me from my sleep, you’ve erased my own outline
You’ve cut me off from everything, for without you, I just can’t
If you won’t be my partner, all my work will lie in ruin
My companion and comfort—without you, I simply can’t
Without you, there’s no joy in life, nor is there relief in death
How can I kill my grief for you, when without you, I simply can’t?
Whatever I say, o my love, is not separate from my good and bad
From your sweet kindness, won’t you please say too:
That I simply cannot be without you






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