Year: 2016

Rumi: Dead yet I was, then came to life…

One of my favorite poems of Rumi’s, its rhythm is intoxicating:   Translation (some liberties taken to approximate the rhythm of the original): Dead yet I was, then came to life, weeping I was, then came to laugh Love’s kingdom came, I came to be, the kingdom of eternity My eye is full, my soul is…

Du’a Nasiri الدعاء الناصري

Du’a Nāṣiri   Translation: O You to Whose mercy one flees! You in Whom the one in need and distress seeks refuge! O Master, You Whose pardon is near! O You Who help all who call on Him! There is nothing more majestic than Your immense power and nothing mightier than the might of Your…

Rumi and Hakuin: Water and Ice

Hakuin All beings by nature are Buddha, As ice by nature is water. Apart from water there is no ice; Apart from beings, no Buddha. How sad that people ignore the near And search for truth afar: Like someone in the midst of water Crying out in thirst, Like a child of a wealthy home…

My glance at the Beloved’s face…

Translation: My glance at the face of the beloved is bliss and separation from she whom I love is agony to me I am he who has not been pitied as a lover until, worn out, I became a mercy for the lovers O planter of the basil around our tents Don’t plant the basil for you…

‘Afīf al-dīn Tilimsānī and son

The disciple of Ibn ‘Arabi, ‘Afīf al-din Tilimsānī (d. 1291), and his son (known as al-Shab al-Ẓarīf, “The Elegant Youth” ) are known and loved for their poetry, some of which is still sung today.  Here I present one poem from the father, and a more famous poem by the son with special thanks to K.M. for…

Me/not Me

Shah Niyaz Barelvi A lover without news I am I am not I, yet I am I A Knower with art I am I am not I, nay I am I   Burning of the heart and liver I am Restless in seclusion I am knowledgeable of all cures I am I am not I, nay…

Three more ghazals of Hafez

Three more gems, back to back in his Divan: Translation: O you whose road-dust is the blood-price of China musk and in whose crown’s shade the sun is tenderly nurtured Strut out, for the narcissus’ pride is getting to be too much I would die for the way your dark eyes look Go ahead and…

Qur’anic meditations

Qur’an 21:25, 20:14, and 6:103 وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِن قَبْلِكَ مِن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا نُوحِي إِلَيْهِ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدُونِ We never sent a Messenger before thee but we revealed unto him, “There is no God but I, so worship Me.” إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي Verily, I am God,…

Good news from Shaykh al-‘Alawi Translation: Good news to you, my friends! News of nearness and drawing near! You are gathered in security As long as you are in the party of Allah. Good news to you, my masters! Good news to you, my lovers! Good news about what is coming —You are in the mercy of Allah. Your gathering is…

Qaṣīdah Luṭfiyyah by Aḥmad al-‘Alawī

This poem by the Algerian Shaykh Aḥmad al-‘Alāwī  (d.1934) is commonly sung after recitations of the Qur’an in the Maghreb, France, and other areas to which his Tariqah has spread:   Translation: Oh Lord, by your kindness, O my hope be kind to us, and grant us deliverance We ask You, O Lord, by the Qur’an…