Infidel of Love



If a Muslim were to know what an idol is
He would know that religion is idol-worship
And if the associator (mushrik) were to know what an idol is
Where would he have gone wrong in his religion?



مسلمان گر بدانستی که بت چیست
بدانستی که دین در بت‌پرستی است
وگر مشرک ز بت آگاه گشتی
کجا در دین خود گمراه گشتی




Amir Khusro

I am an infidel of love: the creed of Muslims I do not need; 
Every vein of mine has become taunt like a wire,
the (Christian/Magian) girdle I do not need. 
Leave my bedside, you ignorant physician! 
The only cure for the patient of love is the sight of his beloved –
other than this, no medicine does he need. 
If there be no pilot in our boat, let there be none: 
We have God in our midst: the sea we do not need. 
The people of the world say that Khusrau worships idols. 
So he does, so he does; the world he does not need.


Transliteration :

Kafir-e-ishqam musalmani mara darkaar neest
Har rag-e mun taar gashta hajat-e zunnaar neest;
Az sar-e baaleen-e mun bar khez ay naadaan tabeeb
Dard mand-e ishq ra daroo bajuz deedaar neest;
Nakhuda dar kashti-e maagar nabashad go mubaash
Makhuda daareem mara nakhuda darkaar neest;
Khalq mi goyad ki Khusrau but parasti mi kunad
Aarey aarey mi kunam ba khalq mara kaar neest.



کافر عشقم، مسلمانی مرا در کار نیست
ہر رگ من تار گشتہ، حاجت زُنار نیست
از سر بالین من برخیز ای نادان طبیب
دردمند عشق را دارو بہ جز دیدار نیست
ناخدا بر کشتی ما گر نباشد، گو مباش
ما خدا داریم ما را ناخدا در کار نیست
خلق می‌گوید کہ خسرو بت‌پرستی می‌کند
آری! آری! می‌کنم! با خلق ما را کار نیست




Every sect has a faith, a direction (Qibla) to which they turn,
I have turned my face towards the crooked cap (of Nizamudin Awlyia)
The whole world worships something or the other,
Some look for God in Mecca, while some go to Kashi (Benaras),
So why can’t I, Oh wise ones, fall at my beloved’s feet?
Every sect has a faith, a Qibla.




Har qaum raast raahay, deen-e wa qibla gaahay,
Mun qibla raast kardam, bar samt kajkulaahay.
Sansaar har ko poojay, kul ko jagat sarahay,
Makkay mein koyi dhoondhay, Kaashi ko koi jaaye,
Guyyian main apnay pi kay payyan padun na kaahay.
Har qaum raast raahay, deen-e wa qibla gaahay…
