Year: 2015

Shaykh al-Yadālī’s Praise of the Prophet

Translation: The blessings of my Lord with peace upon my beloved, the best of creation Clear and translucent, close by at hand kind, affectionate, the lion of the gallant Thus is the Hashimi prophet Thus is the Exalted, the Guide, the Tihami* Thus is the Elevated, saviour of the Invincible Thus is the intercessor on the Day…

For the Mawlid

These short Arabic verses by the Persian poet Sa’adi are some of the best known and loved praises on the Prophet:   Translation: He attained eminence by his perfection The darkness was lifted by his beauty Lovely are all of his qualities Blessings upon him and his family     Original: بلغ العلى بكماله كشف الدجى بجماله…

Ibn ‘Arabi: Interpreter of Desires

  A beautiful recording of Ibn ‘Arabi’s poetry sung in a ḥaḍrah:   Translation: Poem 1: Who will show me her of the dyed fingers? Who will show me her of the honeyed tongue? She is one of the girls with swelling breasts who guard their honour, tender, virgin, and beautiful Full moons over branches:…

Boutchichi Ḥaḍrah

  Some of the finest recordings of Ḥaḍrah music I’ve found online are these recordings of a Boutchichi gathering in which they sing a poem by Shaykh ‘abd al-Raḥman Shaghouri :     Translation: The Saqi approahced us and presented the cup to us So we sipped and quenched our thirst from the cups of Hamza (al-Hashim…

If only they knew the subtleties of Layla’s love…

  Translation: If only they understood the subtleties of Layla’s love Her love would be all they needed to experience of love If he meets someone from Layla’s neighborhood he’ll abase himself before him and fall to pieces If not for her, he wouldn’t have been abased Kissing this wall and that until he becomes carried away in love for…

Soft were its sides, and soft its breeze…

One of my favorite recordings of Andausian Sufi music—the beauty of the music is only matched by the beauty of the poetry:   Translation: Soft were its sides and soft its breeze,       and the clouds were flashing and thundering, And the raindrops were descending from the crevices of the clouds       like…

Bulleh Shah, if God were found…

    Bulleh Shah Translation: O beloved one: If God were to be found by bathing and washing, then God would be found by fish and frogs. If God were to be found by roaming in jungle, then God would be found by cows and buffaloes. O Mian Bulleh God is found by hearts righteous…

Who am I?

    Bulleh Shah Translation: Bulleh, what do I know about who I am? I am not a believer in the mosques, nor do I follow the rites of unbelief. I am not among the pure or polluted. I am neither Moses nor Pharoah. I am not in the Vedas or in the scriptures; I…

Two loves become one

Ḥallāj Translation:   My heart had various longings,     but since seeing you, they’ve all become one My envied mine envier became, and     I became the Lord of mankind, since my lord you became I left everyone to their world and their religion     busy with my love for you, oh my world and my religion…

Sulayman and Sheba’s Queen

The following verse of the Qur’an has inspired Islamic architecture and literature, illustrating the prominent symbols of the mirror and the perspective shift. Qur’an 27:44 Pickthall translation: It was said unto her : Enter the hall. And when she saw it she deemed it a pool and bared her legs. (Solomon) said: Lo! it is a…