Year: 2014

Like a Candle…

from Figs and Thistles: First Fig BY EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY My candle burns at both ends;    It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—    It gives a lovely light!   Source: Poetry (June 1918).     Hafez Translation: In faithfulness to your love, I am famous like the candle In…


❊ ففرّوا الى الله ❊ So flee to God… (Qur’an 51:50)   اعوذ بك منك I seek refuge in You from You (Hadith) Rumi Flee to God’s Qur’an, take refuge in it there with the spirits of the prophets merge. The Book conveys the prophets’ circumstances those fish of the pure sea of Majesty.  …

If you are sweet…

Some of my favorite verses of poetry…   The captive prince Abu Firas Hamadani penned this plea to his cousin, the famous Sayf al-Dawla. The latter, however, didn’t ransom the poet, leaving him imprisoned for years to write some of the most beautiful poetry (collected as the Rūmiyāt) of a language of incredible poets.  Maybe Sayf liked his…

Hafez: The Desert of Love

  Translation: Lions turn to foxes in the desert of your love What a road! there is no danger which does not lurk there.   Original: شیر در بادیه عشق تو روباه شود آه از این راه که در وی خطری نیست که نیست Translation: The ups and downs of the desert of love are…

Increase me in love for you…(version 2)   Translation: Give me an excess of love for you and wonder And have mercy on a heart scorched by a glance of your love And if I ask to see you truly Then allow me, graciously And let not your answer be, “Thou shalt not see“ O heart, you have promised me…

Ḥallāj: Amazed by you and me…

 Ḥallāj: Translation: Amazed by you and by me, O you, the desire of the desirers You drew me closer to thee, until I thought that you were me I vanished in ecstasy until you erased me from myself by thee O my blessing in life and my rest after death I have no intimacy with…

Blow winds, blow

Ḥallāj:   Translation (a bit of license taken): O wind of the dawn, I say to the gazelle it only makes me thirstier, the water of this well I have a beloved whose love lives within me And if she likes, she walks on my cheeks as well Her spirit is my spirit and my…