
Sindidi, one of the most-recited poems of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba, is also considered a powerful prayer for protection, and as you can hear below, also makes for a beautiful recitation:



In the name of God the Beneficent, the Merciful

1. Ya Allah! I implore thee by the blessings of Mustapha Ya Allah! And by the blessings of thy beloved friend Abraham Ya Allah!

2. And by the blessings of thy interlocutor Moses, and Salih, Al Khidr, and by the blessings of Shu’aib, and by the blessings of Ishmael Ya Allah!

3. And by the blessings of Solomon, Noah, Jonah, Job, and by the blessings of Zakariah, John, and Hud O Allah!

4. By the blessings of Aaron, Joshua, Elias, Adam, David, by the blessings of Dhul-kifl, Jesus, and Lot. Ya Allah!

5. By the blessings of Joseph, Isaac, and others among thy apostles and messengers Ya Allah!

6. And by the blessings of the unity of the Angels, and those among them encompassed with the purest, Divine Essence such as Gabriel and Michael Ya Allah!

7. By the blessings of Israfil who is entrusted with Blowing the Trumpet, and Azrael who shall duly seize the soul of every creature Ya Allah!

8. By the blessings of the companions of the Prophet and the friends of Allah, as well as those who actively practice their knowledge among the people of religious Authority Ya Allah!

9. By the blessings of Abu Bakr the truthful, Omar who distinguished truth from falsehood, Uthman the possessor of two lights, and Ali, the father of the two grandsons of the Prophet Ya Allah!

10. By the blessings of Imam Malik, the highly distinguished, Imam As Shafi, Imam Abu Hanafi, and the praiseworthy, Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal Ya Allah!

11. By the blessings of the Exalted Pen, the Preserved Tablet, thy Magnificent Throne and Exalted Footstool Ya Allah!!

12. By the blessings of the Quran, the Torah, The Psalms of David, and the Gospel of the Spirit of God, Ya Allah!

13. Transmit my salutations of peace and blessings upon him ( the Prophet), his family, companions, and wives Ya Allah!

14. O Lord! Drape over us the cover of well-being  and bestow upon us our goals in this world and in the Hereafter Ya Allah!

15. Open for us all gates of graces that thou hath opened to those endowed with a complete state of piety Ya Allah!

16. Impel us to trod on the distinct path of righteousness, Preserve us from the pitfalls and from the Evils of the Jinn and Satan Ya Allah!

17. Grant us all our ambitions, allow us to attain our objectives, bestow upon us any grace we choose Ya Allah.

18. Soften for us the hearts of any possessor of reluctance and oppression, smoothen all the hardships Ya Allah!

19. Prolong our lives, strengthen our bodies, bestow guidance upon us, and grant us felicity (tawfiq) O Allah!

20. Destroy any enemy whose intention is to cause harm before he gains access to us Ya Allah! Ya Allah!

21. Protect us from all kinds of ruin, deliver us from the calamities of the world, all the time Ya Allah!

22. Protect us from epidemics, illness, agony, afflictions, vehement earthquakes as well as poverty Ya Allah!

23. Protect us from blemishes, insufficiency, from the fury of a tyrant, vileness, debility, hunger and thirst Ya Allah!

24. Protect us from all forms of trials, from disease from being burnt in fire, from being drowned in water, from lightning, thunder, theft and vain labor Ya Allah!

25. Protect us from excessive heat and cold, from plundering, from oppression, from hostility, from delusion, from grief, and from being paralyzed Ya Allah!

26. Protect us from anxiety, from transgression, from stumbling in error, from transmutation, and from defamation Ya Allah!

27. Protect us from lack of sustenance, from the influences of evil spirits, and from fading away due to illness Ya Allah!

28. Protect us from the evils of this world and of the next as well as their dreadful humiliations Ya Allah!Ya Allah!

29. O thou who hath power over all things, overwhelming the entire creation, being firmly established in Thine Magnificent Throne of Authority Ya Allah!

30. Verily, I beg thee for a fearing heart and a humble one, an extensive knowledge of tremendous use Ya Allah!

31. I beg thee for an accepted repentance, a lofty station, a virtuous and pious wife O God!

32. Be our fortress against the evils of the possessor of envy, against the evils of the tongue, as well as against the evils of the eye Ya Allah!

33. Be our refuge against the evils of sorcery, the evils of the creatures, men or jinns, and against the evils of venomous creatures Ya Allah!

34. O mine confident! I take Thee in this world and in the hereafter as my inaccessible fortress: the one in whom I seek shelter Ya Allah!

35. Abandon me not with my own soul (nafs), lest I go astray: be responsive whenever I beseech thee Ya Allah!

36. Cause my tongue and my heart to remember Thee and to hold a perfect belief in Thee at the crucial moment of death Ya Allah!

37. Establish permanently in mine heart the knowledge of Certainty (Yaqin); Let no fear abide therein, until I passionately love Thy Ultimate encounter Ya Allah!

38. Cause my death to be the announcement of good news, and to be a complete rest, and to be a protection against all pain, distress and fear Ya Allah!

39. Shield my body against tortures in the grave, whenever the soul is separated from me. Let it not undergo any deterioration nor hardship. Ya Allah!

40. Be my Assistant and Companion at the time my body is buried in the grave, where I may become lonely Ya Allah!

41. Join me not with that which causes terror in the grave, preserve me from anything that I fear Ya Allah!

42. Protect me, my mother and all those who bow to Thy will, Amen Ya Allah!

43. Forgive us and my mother, cover our defects, bestow benevolence upon us and her; protect us from terror Ya Allah!

44. Grant us complete forgiveness, have mercy on her. She has no one but Thee; and verily Thou art the kind One Ya Allah!

45. Be with us in the barzakh and in the grave, preserve us from any distress or any kind of fear Ya Allah!

46. Do not afflict my mother with that which she can not bear and do not disappoint the hope she has in Thee Ya Allah!

47. Quench our thirst and hers in the water of Kauthar, which Thou has reserved for the one whom Thou hath chosen over the entire creation Ya Allah!

48. That was he who provided guidance to he who roamed in error, destroyed he who rejected faith and yielded aid to he who had innermost fear in Thee Ya Allah!

49. Such a one was Muhammad, the Fine Flower of the elect, who will lead us into the everlasting Paradise on the Day of Resurrection Ya Allah!

50. Upon him be Eternal peace and blessings, forever and ever, and upon any who follows him till Doomsday Ya Allah!

Glory to Thy Lord! The Lord of Might and Power; He transcends what they ascribe to Him. And peace be upon the messengers! And praise be to Allah; the Lord, Cherisher and Sustainer of all the worlds

Translation modified from this site