Month: July 2014

al-Munfarijah, The Poem of Relief

This remarkable poem/prayer was written in the 11th C by a famous Maghribi scholar/saint Ibn Nahwi, famous for his ability to bless and curse. The recitation of this poem is believed to relieve the difficulties and grant the wishes of the reciter and listener.  If you wish to hear some powerfully rhythmic poetry, play some…


Wonderful calligraphy and a beautiful recitation of these verses…     In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the Compassionate TaHa We have not sent down the Quran unto you that you may be distressed, but as a reminder to him who fears A revelation from He who created the earth and the heavens on high The…

Ramadan with Hafez

Bring a glass of that wine of love which cooks every raw one even though it’s the month of Ramadan زان می عشق کز او پخته شود هر خامی گر چه ماه رمضان است بیاور جامی Give me a few cups of that wine sold in the tavern of love even if it is the…

Near and Far

Ibn al-Fāriḍ لكَ قُرْبٌ مِنّي ببُعدِكَ عنّي           وحنوٌّ وجدتهُ في جفاكا … فَتراءيتَ في سِواكَ لِعَينٍ        بكَ قَرّتْ، وما رأيتُ سِواكا وكذاكَ الخَليلُ قَلّبَ قَبْلي          طرفهُ حينَ راقبَ الأفلاكا   You have nearness with me in your distance from me … In other…