Month: March 2014

The hardest thing in the world…

ahh, who hasn’t felt like this… Translation: The hardest thing in the world is studied and learned well I tried to study your love Because I couldn’t understand it, I suffer and cry like a child   Before the image of Christ I saw her crying one day Striking her chest because she was repenting…

Like a Candle…

from Figs and Thistles: First Fig BY EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY My candle burns at both ends;    It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—    It gives a lovely light!   Source: Poetry (June 1918).     Hafez Translation: In faithfulness to your love, I am famous like the candle In…


❊ ففرّوا الى الله ❊ So flee to God… (Qur’an 51:50)   اعوذ بك منك I seek refuge in You from You (Hadith) Rumi Flee to God’s Qur’an, take refuge in it there with the spirits of the prophets merge. The Book conveys the prophets’ circumstances those fish of the pure sea of Majesty.  …

If you are sweet…

Some of my favorite verses of poetry…   The captive prince Abu Firas Hamadani penned this plea to his cousin, the famous Sayf al-Dawla. The latter, however, didn’t ransom the poet, leaving him imprisoned for years to write some of the most beautiful poetry (collected as the Rūmiyāt) of a language of incredible poets.  Maybe Sayf liked his…