Andalusian Sufi Medley

This great recording starts with a poem by al-Ḥarrāq and then includes another poem of Shushtari’s, included in another fine recording below:

I got what I sought
When I see my love
I see my Self
Why am I tired and abandoned
while I am the beloved?


My secret is hidden from me,
yet it is near
By God, Look my friend
 at this wondrous matter


I am hidden from me
My sun rises from me
While I’m unaware
When this beloved is pleased
Everything is pleased


He who desires union
travels swiftly
The Self conceals concealment
In every direction, always
I no longer have an opinion
I am whom I love
I drink my wine from myself
And I quenched myself


O seeker of reality
Listen to what I say
The Way is from you
And the arrival is to you
So vanish, and you will see yourself
After you disappear


You end at yourself
so there is nothing but you
And you subsist by you


نلت ما نويت * لما رأيت حبي * وذاتي رأيت
ماذا لِي وَنَا مهجور * وأنا الحبيب
وسِرِّي عَني مَسْتور * وَهُوَ قَرِيب * لِلهْ يا صاحِ وانْظُرْ * ذَا الأَمْرُ العَجِيب
عَنِيِ قَد خَفَيْتْ * وَشَمْسِي مِنيِّ تَطْلُعْ * وأنا ما دَرَيْتْ
هذا المحبوبِ إذا ارْضى * يْرْضَى كُلُّ شَيْئْ
واللي يْهْوى وِصَالُ * ذاتُ يَطْوي طَيْ * وعْلى جِهاتُ دَايْمْ * ما يْبْقَى لُ رَايْ
أنا مَنْ هَوَيْتْ * وَخمَْرِي مِنِّي أَشْرَبْ * وَعَنِّي رَوَيْتْ
يا طالبَ الحَقيقا * إِسْمَعْ ما أَقُول
منكَ هي الطريقا * ولك الوصول * فَزُلْ تَراكَ حَقا َ َ * بعدما تَزُول ْ
إِلَيْكَ انْتَهَيْتْ * ولَيْسَ ثَمَّ غيْرَك * وَبِكَ بَقَيْتْ



You want, o little faqir
to fill the streets of your wedding party
You are the slave of the leader of the journey
Your inclinations are the provisions of your insight
Be content and don’t despair
Until your soul is made sweet
None drink from our wine
except the pure of soul
The Sultan is in our hadra
The Saqi makes the cups go ’round
The Sultan of this Hadra
is the Saqi, yes the Saqi
He gets men drunk with a glance
The everlasting noble wine, O our joy, O glad tidings!
The guide of the pious showers us with existence
Our obstacles flee from us
while we are in the shadow of the wedding
The Sultan is in our hadra
The Saqi makes the cups go ’round



تُريدْ يا فُقَيرْ*** تعمر أسواق أعراسك
أنت عُبْيْد مسيَّر ***ميِلَك احكامْ ميلك أحكامْ فِرَاسَكْ
ارضى لا تتحير ***حَتىْ تِطيبْ أنفاسْك
ما يذوقْ مِنْ خَمْرَتْنا*** غِيرْ من تطيِب أنفاسو
سلطانْ في حَضْرِتْنا*** ساقي مدورْ كاسو
سلطان هاذ الحضرة *** ساقي و نعم الساقي
سلطان في حضرتنا ***ساقي مدور كاسوا
يسقي رجل بنظرة *** خمر الكريم الباقي
يا سعدنا يا بشرى***بوجود هاد التاقي
عوارضو مطرتنا *** و حنا في ظل عراسو
 سلطانْ في حَضْرِتْنا*** ساقي مدورْ كاسو