Month: August 2013

Love’s Martyr: Qutb ad-Din Bakhtiar Kaki

    The great Indian Sufi shaykh, disciple of Mu’in ad-Din Chisti and master to Baba Farid, is said to have heard the following verses during a qawwali performance:   كشتگان خنجر تسليم را هر زمان از غيب جان ديگر است   For the victims of the dagger of surrender There is new life at…

Andalusian Sufi Medley

This great recording starts with a poem by al-Ḥarrāq and then includes another poem of Shushtari’s, included in another fine recording below: Translation: I got what I sought When I see my love I see my Self Why am I tired and abandoned while I am the beloved?   My secret is hidden from me, yet…

Ah Layla…

While there are many great poems about Layla, I’ve never read anything better than these two little gems from Shushtari… Translation: Layla robbed me of my reason I said, O Layla, have mercy on [those you have] slain   Her love is hidden enshrined in my bones O you who are entranced by her Humble…

Rumi-Your hair is Laylat al-Qadr

  Translation: It’s morning and there’s wine so we’re going to stand on the sky We’re going to go beyond Taurus to the constellation of the moon We’re not looking for a fight, and have nothing to say about others For it’s time for union, and with that we’ll be glad Your face is a…

Hafez on Laylat al-Qadr

Translation:   Last night, at the moment of dawn, they saved me from sorrow And in the darkness of night, they gave me the water of life By the rays of the light of the Essence they made me selfless They gave me wine from the cup of the radiance of the Attributes What a…