Day: July 8, 2013

The wine was so fine…

The following was one of Ibn ‘Arabi’s favorite verses of poetry, oft-quoted by Sufi authors ranging from al-Ghazzali to Fakhr ad-din ‘Iraqi to Emir ‘abd al-Qadir to explain the mysterious relationship between God and the heart.     The glass was so clear, and so was the wine they became so similar, that it became…

Hafez on Ramadan   Translation:  In the month of Sha’aban, do not neglect the glass of wine This sun will disappear untl the ‘Eid of Ramadan   Original: ماه شعبان منه از دست قدح کاین خورشید                   از نظر تا شب عید رمضان خواهد شد    Translation:  Come…