Month: March 2013

Un sentiment français

  Ne me quitte pas   Original:   Ne me quitte pas Il faut oublier Tout peut s’oublier Qui s’enfuit déjà Oublier le temps Des malentendus Et le temps perdu A savoir comment Oublier ces heures Qui tuaient parfois A coups de pourquoi Le coeur du bonheur Ne me quitte pas Ne me…

The certitude of my brightest love

  Hafez:  I have never seen a more beautiful reminder than the words of love that linger in this turning dome            از صدای سخن عشق نديدم خوشتر   يادگاری که در اين گنبد دوار بماند   Cristina Branco:   The certitude of my brightest love The certitude of my brightest…

Ibn ‘Arabi, Hallaj, and Carminho

  When my Beloved appears, with what eye do I see Him? With His eye not with mine; for no one sees Him except Himself. -Ibn ‘Arabi Original: إذا تجلى حبيبي بأي عين تراه بعينه لا بعيني فما يراه سواه   Hallaj:     I saw my Lord with the eye of my Heart, I…

“In nearness, farness vanished is…”

I would, so overflowing is my love for Him Remember him perpetually, yet my remembrance— How wondrous—  is vanished into ecstasy And still yet more wondrous, even ecstasy, With memory’s self, in nearness, farness vanished is -Abu’l Husayn an-Nuri                أريد دوام الذكر من فرط حبّه فيا عجبا من…

Fado, wind and sea

06 Fim End Not birds, nor stars, nor sails Are as beautiful in my breast Daybreak falls silent in my eyes The night enveloped me so With this pain as if from a dagger With this cry of a love without end Love without end, love without time and measure Water drawn from the distance,…

Love’s Ocean Has No Shore…

Say: Were the ocean ink for the Words of my Lord (to be written out), sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the Words of my Lord, even if We added another ocean like it, for its aid. -Surah Kahf: 109   Sarmad: The ocean of his generosity has no shore. The tongue is…

Rumi-Just for me

You belong to me to me to me   جان منی جان منی جان من You are my life my life my life essence آن منی آن منی آن من You belong to me to me to me alone شاه منی لایق سودای من You are my king, we deserve to mingle قند منی لایق…

Hafez’s falcons

  From the Nightingale in the garden, ask the news.  for I Hear his lament that forth from the cage comes Friends!  The true Beloved desires the prey of Hafez’s heart: For the prey of a little fly, a great falcon comes. Translation: H. Wilberforce Clarke   Original: خبر بلبل این باغ بپرسید که من…

The Alif

Listen: Hafez ghazal   I speak frankly and that makes me happy: I am the slave of love, I am free of both worlds. I am a bird from heaven’s garden. How do I describe that separation, my fall into this snare of accidents?   I was an angel and highest paradise was my place. Adam…

Lovers never die

Hafez:                     هرگز نمیرد آن که دلش زنده شد به عشق ثبت است بر جریده عالم دوام ما He whose heart has been revived by love will never die Our eternity has been written in the record of the world   Me: Lips scalded by love’s tongues of…