Month: January 2013

Rabi’ al-awwal: Burda and Fiyashiyyah

  A beautiful performance of two of the most beautiful poems from the North African tradition.  The first is from the first lines of the famous Qasidah al-Burda of Shaykh al-Busiri, while the second is from the beloved Fiyashiyyah of Sidi Bahloul Cherki. Listen to them back to back, the transition is lovely. The Burda:…

Cups and wine and vine-Hafez Last night I saw the angels tapping at the wine-shop’s door. And kneading Adam’s dust, and molding it as cups for wine;   And, where I sat beside the road, these messengers of heaven Gave me their wine to drink, so that their drunkenness was mine.   The heavens could not bear the heavy…

Points of Ink, Gasps of Breath

“All that is in the Revealed books is in the Qur’an, and all that is in the Qur’an is in the Fatihāh, and all that is in the Fatihāh is in ‘Bismi ‘Llāhi ‘r-Rahmāni ‘r-Rahīm.’” “All that is in  ‘Bismi ‘Llāhi ‘r-Rahmāni ‘r-Rahīm’ is in the letter Bā, which itself is contained in the point that…

Hallaj-The sun doesn’t rise or set…

Translation (sung portion in bold):  I swear by God, sun riseth not nor setteth, But in each breath I breathe my love for Thee Nor go I e’er apart with friends for discourse But Thou, as I sit with them, art my theme; Nor dwell my thoughts on Thee, sadly or gladly, But Thou art…