Day: November 18, 2012

Shaykh Bahaii Amuli

    A translation of the lyrics (by M. Dilmaghani): — So long, in plead of unison with thee my eyelids are drowned in the deluge of tear. So long, in plead of unison with thee, Thou, the sole beloved! The arrow of thy sorrow pierced all lovers’ heart… For how long, how long shall…

Flamenco is Love and Pain

“Flamenco is love and pain,” he said. “Heartbreak. In art there has to be pain, that is clear – it is like life, whether you want it or not, it is there.” -Vicente Amigo in an interview  Hafez says… مرا می*بینی و هر دم زیادت می*کنی دردم Marâ mibini o hardam, ziyâdat mikoni dardam…

Like water…

“Consider the creatures as pure and limpid water, within which shine the Attributes of the Almighty.  Their knowledge, their justice, their kindness all are stars of heaven reflected in flowing water.  Kings are a locus of manifestation for God’s Kingliness, the learned a locus for His Knowledge.  Generations have passed, and this is a new…