Day: October 31, 2012

Ibn al-Farid-Be haughty becasue that’s your right

as sung by the remarkable Saad Temsamani تهْ دلالاً فأنتَ أهلٌ لذاكا وتَحكّمْ، فالحُسْنُ قد أعطاكَا ولكَ الأمرُ فاقضِ ما أنتَ قاضٍ فعلّي الجمالُ قدْ ولاّكا Translation: Be haughty, because you’re worth it, and have your way Because of what beauty has given you The command is yours, so judge what you’re the judge of Because…

Vide Cor Meum (See My Heart)

A nice libretto based on the third chapter of Dante’s La Vita Nuova Vide Cor Meum Italian/Latin Chorus: E pensando di lei Mi sopragiunse uno soave sonno Ego dominus tuus Vide cor tuum E d’sto core ardendo Cor tuum (Chorus: Lei paventosa)  Umilmente pascea Appreso gir lo ne vedea piangendo La letizia si convertia In…

Ibn al-Fāriḍ: My heart told me… -ابن الفارض : قلبي يحدّثني

A portion of one of my all-time favorite poems, beautifully recited                            قلْبي يُحدّثُني بأنّكَ مُتلِفي   روحي فداكَ عرفتَ أمْ لمْ تعرفِ                   لم أقضِ حقَّ هَوَاكَ إن كُنتُ الذي لم أقضِ فيهِ أسى…

The Poetry of Prayer- صلاة مشيشة

Although not strictly speaking poetry, the famous prayer of the Maghribi Shaykh ‘abd as-Salaam ibn Mashish on the Prophet of Islam, joins beautiful and profound symbolism with an nearly equally profound beauty of sound.  Every poem seems tinged with prayer, and every sincere prayer bears the perfume of poetry, as these recitations show:    …