Month: April 2012

Rumi-I can’t live without you

                      Translation: Franklin Lewis from: Rumi-Past and Present, East and West The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal ad-Din Rumi.  One World: Oxford, 2000…


The moon fell in the desert’s lap Its dark dunes birthed a brilliant white His face burned bright black from love’s flames The longing of the depth of night A blackness pure, so dazzling Its shadow is the morning light The sun squints at his face, blinking Straining so hard to catch his sight His…

Rabi’a al ‘Adawiyyah-Two loves

عـرفت الهـوى مذ عرفت هـواك                                     واغـلـقـت قلـبـي عـمـن سـواك I’ve known love since I’ve known your love  I’ve closed my heart to all but you وقمت اناجيـــك يـــا من تــرى                …

The difference

My lover asks me: “What is the difference between me and the sky?” The difference, my love, Is that when you laugh, I forget about the sky. -Nizar Qabbani…

Dark Night of the Soul -St. John of the Cross

La Noche Oscura Del Alma San Juan De La Cruz Cançiones del alma que se goça d’auer llegado al alto estado de la perfecçion, que es la union con Dios, por el camino de la negaçion espiritual En una noche obscura, con ansias en amores imflamada, ¡oh dichosa uentura! sali sin ser notada, estando ya…