Day: March 31, 2012

Thuluthiyat (Hallaj)

الحلاج Al-Hallaj ثلاثيات Thulathiyat, the Trinities سكوت ثم صمت ثم خرس Quiet then muteness then silence وعلم ثم وجد ثم رمس      Knowledge then ecstasy then grave وطين ثم نار ثم نور        Clay then fire then light و برد ثم ظل ثم شمس     Cold then shadow then sun وحزن…

Shirazi Turk (Hafez)

The story goes that when Timurlane conquered Shiraz, he questioned Hafez about the first bayt of this poem, saying it was an insult to his royal majesty for Hafez to think so little of his magnificent cities, Samarkand and Bukhara.  The poet replied, “Alas, O Prince, it is this prodigality which is the cause of the…