As revised November 2024

Article I: Organization Name

  1. The organization shall be the Student Astronomers at Harvard-Radcliffe (STAHR).

Article II: Mission

  1. STAHR is focused on providing students the opportunity to learn about and engage in recreational astronomy. STAHR also seeks to promote interest in science and foster a healthy, inclusive community centered around our common interests.
  2. STAHR provides students with education in recreational astronomy with its Telescope Training Classes at the Loomis-Michael Observatory. Students who successfully complete the semester-long class receive HUID card access to the Loomis-Michael Observatory for the remainder of their degree program at Harvard University. STAHR is committed to offering advanced instruction in observational astronomy subjects, including, but not limited to astrophotography, to further students’ knowledge in the field.
  3. STAHR is committed to holding community events, including its semesterly dark sky trips, open house observatory nights, and movie nights. In addition, STAHR is committed to helping the student community learn about opportunities in astronomy through initiatives including, but not limited to, speaking engagements with professionals in the sciences. 

Article III: Membership

  1. Membership in this organization shall be open to all students in good standing currently enrolled in Harvard College, regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, age, ancestry, veteran status, disability, military service, or any other legally protected basis.
  2. Membership is also open to all students enrolled in a school at Harvard University. 
  3. Membership in STAHR may be obtained by attending at least 2 STAHR community events within an academic school year and/or completing STAHR’s Telescope Training Class. Membership does not require payment or successful completion of a comp process.
    1. An applicant’s selection into the Telescope Training Class is determined by a short answer response in the application and by their demonstrated interest in the club through attendance of STAHR events.
  4. To be eligible to vote in elections, Voting Members must have fulfilled at least one of the following criteria or half of § 4.i and half of § 4.ii within the past academic school year.
    1. Have attended two STAHR Dinner board meetings.
    2. Have attended two STAHR events.
    3. Have taught or shadowed a Telescope Training Class for a semester. 
    4. Have helped to run a STAHR event.
  5. The STAHR Board may revoke the membership of a member and their access to the Loomis-Michael Observatory with a majority vote for violating the Rules for Observatory Use, which is discussed in every Telescope Training Class and made publicly available to the Harvard community via the STAHR website, STAHR Mailing List, and physical copies in the Harvard Science Center.
  6. Membership formally ends upon a member’s completion of their Harvard University degree program; however, STAHR alumni are welcome to attend STAHR events and use the Observatory under the agreement and supervision of a STAHR Officer.  

Article IV: Officers

  1. The offices of this group shall consist of President, Vice President, Observatory Manager, Treasurer, Communications Coordinator, Telescope Class Coordinator, Astrophotography Class Coordinator, Trip Tsar, and Equipment Manager. 
  2. All officers shall be registered undergraduates of Harvard College. 
  3. All officers are elected to their positions by STAHR Voting Members for a term of one academic school year if elected in a general election. If elected in a special election, officers are elected for a term which will last until the next general election. 
  4. At least half of the STAHR officers must each teach one semester of Telescope Training Classes in their elected term. Elected officers who have not completed the training prior to their term must be trained by a STAHR officer or a Telescope Class Instructor.
  5. Duties and Powers of the President
    1. The President shall oversee all activities and operations of STAHR, act as the general representative of STAHR, develop high-level planning and initiatives for the organization, and act as the presiding officer at STAHR Board meetings.
    2. The office of President shall be eligible for those who have served as a STAHR officer in the past academic school year.
    3. The President, along with the Vice President, shall be the primary liaison between STAHR and the Harvard Astronomy Department. 
    4. In the event of a tied vote among the STAHR Board requiring a simple majority for any STAHR measure, the President’s vote will serve as a tiebreaker unless the vote pertains to the election of an officer.
    5. The President shall have the authority at any time to create interim officer positions upon the approval of a two-thirds majority of the board.
    6. Should the President be unable to fulfill their duties, the Vice President will serve as the Acting President until the next regular election, unless the STAHR Board votes by simple majority to hold a special election for the office of President. 
  6. Duties and Powers of the Vice President
    1. The Vice President shall assist the President in overseeing the activities of STAHR. The Vice President shall be responsible for organizing weekly community dinners and board meetings and shall oversee the administrative duties of the organization.
    2. The office of Vice President shall be eligible  for those who have served as a STAHR officer in the past academic school year.
    3. The Vice President, along with the President, shall be the secondary liaison between STAHR and the Harvard Astronomy Department. 
    4. Should the President be unable to fulfill their duties, the Vice President will serve as the Acting President.
    5. Should the Vice President be unable to fulfill their duties, the President, with the consent of the majority of the board, shall appoint an elected officer to hold the position.
  7. Duties and Powers of the Observatory Manager
    1. The office of Observatory Manager shall be eligible for STAHR members who have successfully completed a STAHR Telescope Training Class. 
    2. The Observatory Manager shall be responsible for all projects and matters pertaining to the maintenance and improvement of the Loomis-Michael Observatory, Loomis-Michael Telescope, and the Observation Deck.
    3. The Observatory Manager shall be responsible for ordering and purchasing necessary equipment for the Loomis-Michael Observatory with the assistance of the Treasurer and STAHR’s Harvard faculty advisor. 
    4. The Observatory Manager, along with the President, shall be responsible for communication with STAHR’s Harvard faculty advisor, the Harvard Astronomy Department, and/or the Harvard Science Center, regarding projects and concerns with the Loomis-Michael Observatory.
  8. Duties and Powers of the Treasurer
    1. The Treasurer shall be responsible for handling STAHR finances, including financial accounts and balances, purchases of equipment, event expenses, club funding and fundraising, merchandise, financial aid for members, and reimbursements.
    2. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for renewing and possessing the HUECU debit card.
    3. The Treasurer shall be the primary liaison between STAHR and the Harvard Student Government (Harvard Undergraduate Association, as of Spring 2022) Finance Committee to obtain funding for STAHR activities, events, and other expenses. 
  9. Duties and Powers of the Communications Coordinator
    1. The Communications Coordinator shall be primarily responsible for overseeing the STAHR Board’s communication with club members and publicizing STAHR events and activities. The Communications Coordinator shall manage STAHR’s communication platforms, including, but not limited to, the STAHR website, social media profiles, mailing list, and group messaging services.
    2. The Communications Coordinator shall also be responsible for taking notes and listing action items during STAHR Board meetings.
  10. Duties and Powers of the Telescope Class Coordinator
    1. The office of Telescope Class Coordinator shall be eligible for STAHR members who have successfully completed a STAHR Telescope Training Class. 
    2. The Telescope Class Coordinator shall be responsible for the organization and operation of STAHR’s Telescope Training Classes, including the creation and distribution of class applications and the delegation of class assignments to Telescope Class Instructors.
    3. The Telescope Class Coordinator shall be responsible for training new Telescope Class Instructors and may also designate other officers to train. 
  11. Duties and Powers of the Astrophotography Class Coordinator
    1. The office of the Astrophotography Class Coordinator shall be eligible for STAHR members who have successfully completed a STAHR Astrophotography Class. They should have observational astronomy and/or photography experience beyond STAHR’s basic Telescope Training Class. 
    2. The Astrophotography Class Coordinator shall be responsible for directing STAHR Astrophotography Classes and organizing astrophotography events and initiatives. 
    3. The Astrophotography Class Coordinator shall develop an equipment borrowing system for astrophotography students with the Equipment Manager.
  12. Duties and Powers of the Trip Tsar
    1. The Trip Tsar shall be responsible for planning, organizing, and directing Dark Sky Trips each semester. Dark Sky Trips are free or low-cost outings to dark sky locations available for STAHR members to stargaze and observe under a beautiful starry night.
    2. The Trip Tsar must be willing and able to drive rented vehicles for Dark Sky Trips.
    3. The Trip Tsar shall develop a selection process for the Dark Sky Trips with the consent of a majority of the STAHR Board.
    4. The Trip Tsar shall encourage members abilities to run their own Dark Sky Trips and encourage and provide materials and advice to support. 
  13. Duties and Powers of the Equipment Manager
    1. The office of the Equipment Manager shall be eligible for STAHR members who have successfully completed a STAHR Telescope Training Class. 
    2. The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for managing and maintaining STAHR’s inventory of telescopes, mounts, cameras, eyepieces, electronics, and other astronomical accessories and equipment.
    3. The Equipment Manager shall work with the Observatory Manager, Astrophotography Chair and Treasurer to determine and purchase necessary equipment for STAHR operations. 
    4. The Equipment Manager shall work with the Astrophotography Chair to develop an equipment borrowing system for STAHR members who have completed the Astrophotography Class to check-out telescopes, mounts, cameras, and other accessories, and to return such items promptly as specified.
  14. Duties and Powers of the Executive Committee
    1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Observatory Manager. 
    2. The Executive Committee shall hear all cases of a disciplinary nature regarding a STAHR member unless the member in question is an officer of the Executive Committee, in which case a Special Meeting of the Judicial Board shall be held (see iii below). The Executive Committee may remove a Board Member from their position by a simple majority vote. 
    3. A special meeting of the Judicial Board shall be convened if a member of the Executive Committee requires disciplinary action. The Judicial Board shall consist of the Executive Board, minus the Board Member in question, plus one other Board Member to be selected at random. This Judicial Board has the same authority as the Executive Committee.
    4. Should an officer position other than President become vacant in the middle of the term, the Executive Committee shall appoint someone or hold a special election to fill the position.
    5. Should unexpected circumstances occur among members of the STAHR Board, the Executive Committee shall vote on how to proceed. 
  15. Removal from Position
    1. Any Board Member may initiate the disciplinary process by issuing a formal complaint to a member of the Executive Committee. 
    2. Any Board Member who neglects to fulfill their obligations may be removed from their position by a simple majority vote of the Executive Committee. 

Article V: Elections

  1. Elections shall be scheduled by the STAHR Board each spring semester in mid April. The election must be publicized to all STAHR members at least one week in advance of the election date and must occur before the reading period.
  2. The offices of President, Vice President, Observatory Manager, Telescope Class Coordinator, Astrophotography Class Coordinator, and Equipment Manager are restricted to STAHR members per the restrictions outlined in Article IV. These restrictions must be publicized to all STAHR members.
  3. The term of office shall formally start for all elected officers on the first day of June. Leaving officers must be able to provide guidance to the new Board for at least one month to ensure that institutional knowledge is transferred. 
  4. The election order will proceed as follows. Voting Members may motion to change the order of elections on the day of elections with a simple majority vote.
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Observatory Manager
    4. Treasurer
    5. Communications Coordinator
    6. Telescope Class Coordinator
    7. Astrophotography Class Coordinator
    8. Trip Tsar
    9. Equipment Manager
  5. Every person standing for a given position will have three minutes to advocate for their candidacy, after which there may be five minutes of deliberations between everyone not running for that position. These times may be amended by a majority vote of all those present at the election.
  6. Only Voting Members will be allowed to cast a ballot. All votes must be cast in person on the day of the election unless the election will be held virtually by the current STAHR Board. Candidates may not vote in an election for an office for which they are running. 
  7. The current President shall count the ballots and announce the result at the election. 
  8. The vote for each position shall be decided by a simple majority.
  9. In the case that a simple majority is not reached, a run-off election will occur such that the candidate with the lowest number of votes is eliminated from the ballot. 
  10. In the case that a simple majority is not reached and a tie vote occurs in the run-off election, candidates must elaborate on their candidacy and answer questions from Voting Members. Following this, a subsequent run-off vote will be held.
    1. Should the run-off vote produce a tie, the active STAHR Board minus any officer running for the position shall break the tie with a majority vote. Should this produce a tie, the active STAHR President shall break the tie unless they are running for the position. Should that occur, the STAHR faculty advisor shall break the tie.
  11. Candidates who are unable to attend the election may write a statement to be read aloud to the Voting Members by the Communications Coordinator. This statement must be submitted at least 12 hours before the election. 
  12. If an Officer position becomes vacant, a midterm election must be held. If the vacancy is foreseeable due to an Officer not being on campus in the spring semester, the midterm election must be held before the fall semester finals period.
  13. The procedures and conduct of midterm elections will be the same as for normal elections, with the exception that any current Officer who desires to run for a position becoming vacant must communicate their desire to do so to the Board well in advance of the election, at which time their current position will become open to election. A Board member running for the position becoming vacant may still run for their current position.

Article VI: Meetings

  1. STAHR Board Meetings shall occur at least once a week unless decided with the consent of a majority of officers that a meeting shall not occur. 
  2. STAHR Board Meetings will be focused on organizing telescope training and astrophotography classes, planning events, and reviewing finances.
  3. A simple majority of the active STAHR Board shall constitute a quorum. 
  4. The President is the presiding officer at all STAHR Board Meetings. In the President’s absence, the Vice President shall chair.
  5. Regular STAHR Board Meetings are open to all STAHR members, which must be publicized each week. This has commonly existed as weekly STAHR Dinners, where officers and members are free to discuss topics related to space and astronomy over dinner following the official Board Meeting. STAHR Dinners are designed to facilitate community bonding and expose enthusiastic members of the STAHR community to the administration of the club and the roles of the officers on the board.
  6. The Communications Coordinator shall communicate STAHR Board Meeting logistics to all STAHR members.
  7. The STAHR Board can decide to hold a private board meeting at any time with the consent of the majority of the officers. A private board meeting shall not interfere or conflict with the regular, public STAHR Dinners/Board Meetings

Article VII: Amendments

  1. Amendments to the constitution may be proposed by any Board Member, being seconded by another Board Member.
  2. Before a proposed amendment may be officially ratified, it must be subject to a four-day waiting period during which any Board Member will have the opportunity to voice their opposition. This four day waiting period may be skipped if and only if the proposed amendment receives unanimous approval from all Board Members.
  3. An amendment will require the votes of a three-fourths majority of the current Board Members to be passed. 

Article VIII: Telescope Training Classes

  1. STAHR Telescope Training Classes are one semester extracurricular courses which teach students observational astronomy and the operation of the Loomis-Michael Observatory. Each course consists of three class sessions and one test out date.
  2. Upon completing the course, students will receive 24/7 swipe access to the Loomis-Michael Observatory for the remainder of their degree program at Harvard University. 
  3. The Telescope Class Coordinator shall direct the organization and management of STAHR Telescope Training Classes. The Telescope Class Coordinator must work with the Observatory Manager and President to outline an appropriate curriculum for the training which reflects correct and standard observatory rules.
  4. Applications
    1. Applications shall be open to all members of the Harvard community, including but not limited to undergraduate and graduate students. 
    2. The Telescope Class Coordinator shall develop an admissions system which must be approved by a majority vote of the board. 
  5. Telescope Training Class Instructors
    1. At least half of STAHR officers are required to instruct one Telescope Training Class in their two semester term. 
    2. Other prospective instructors shall be selected by a simple majority vote of the Board from a pool of interested STAHR members who have successfully completed the Telescope Training Class. 
    3. Prospective instructors must shadow a current instructor for at least three class sessions or be trained and confirmed by the board before directing their own class in the following semester.  
    4. After shadowing, a Prospective Instructor may run their own class, provided that the Telescope Class Coordinator and the Instructor they shadowed confirm that they are both sufficiently competent and excellent representatives of STAHR. 

Article IX: Astrophotography Classes

  1. STAHR Astrophotography Classes are one semester extracurricular courses which teach students about astrophotography and the process of taking and processing images of celestial objects.
  2. Upon completing the course, students shall receive limited and controlled access to STAHR’s inventory of telescopes, cameras, and mounts to perform imaging outside of the supervision of a STAHR officer.
  3. The Astrophotography Class Coordinator shall develop an astrophotography curriculum and direct the organization and management of STAHR Astrophotography Classes.
  4. Applications
    1. Applications shall be open to all members of the Harvard community who have completed or are concurrently taking the Telescope Training Class, including, but not limited to undergraduate and graduate students. 
    2. The Astrophotography Class Coordinator shall develop an admissions system which must be approved by a majority vote of the board. 
  5. Astrophotography Instructors
    1. The Astrophotography Class Coordinator must serve as the primary instructor for STAHR Astrophotography Classes.
    2. Interested STAHR members may serve as Astrophotography Instructors with the approval of the Astrophotography Class Coordinator and a majority of the Board. 
    3. Prospective instructors must spend a semester shadowing an Astrophotography Class section taught by another teacher before they can teach a section on their own.

Article X: Supersession

  1. This document supersedes and nullifies all previous STAHR constitutions.