Study of Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience

Brain Science and LLMs – Symposium, Frankfurt May 13+14, 2024

Statistical Mechanics of Deep Learning

Talk given at 2022 Foundations of Machine Learning and Its Applications for Scientific Discovery in Physical and Biological Systems Workshop. Hosted by Rice U. NSF funded.

Featured Work

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Haim Sompolinsky is the Director of Harvard’s Swartz Program in Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience.

Featured Research

We can learn novel concepts from just one or a few sensory experiences. We demonstrate that concepts defined by tightly circumscribed manifolds in the neural firing-rate space of higher-order sensory areas can be learned from few examples when single plastic downstream readout neurons learn to discriminate using a simple plasticity rule.

Featured Project

We are seeking to advance the theoretical understanding of neural processing of structured knowledge (context, maps, relational reasoning), which is at the heart of high cognitive functions, using architectures and dynamical constraints (gating and binding) imposed by biology.

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