Underlined titles are hyperlinked to their digital editions.
Rules on handling rare books and manuscripts:
use pencil for notes and put the pencil down before touching the book; use snakes to hold the page open at an angle at which the spine is not put under pressure; read the book in its cradle, without picking it up; only one person to handle a book at a time.
Harvard-Yenching Library
Technologies of Printing and Copying Books
Call no.: TK 9428.9/7232 1-7, 9
Examples of metal-movable type printed works
8 works in total:
1. 林駉. 新箋決科古今源流至論 :40卷. [漢城 : 鑄字所, ca. 1425];
2. 韓愈, 768-824. 朱文公校昌黎先生集 : 51卷 / [韓愈撰] ; 朱[熹]子考異; 諸家註附. [漢城 : s.n., 正統3 (1438)];
3. 朱熹, 1130-1200. 朱子大全 : 135卷 / [朱熹撰; 柳希春校.漢城 : 校書館, 158?- ];
4. 祝穆, 13th cent. 新編古今事文類聚 : 236卷 / 祝穆[等]編. [Korea : s.n., 成宗23 (1493)];
5. 李昉, 925-996. 文苑英華: 1000卷 / 李昉等奉勅纂; 胡柯, 彭叔夏校正. [漢城 : s.n., 正德14 (1519)];
6. Han, Yu 768-824 author. 朱 文公 校 昌黎 先生 集 : 51卷, 外集 10 卷 Chu Mun’gong kyo Ch’angnyŏ Sŏngsaeng chip 51-kwŏn, oejip 10 kwŏn. [Hansŏng] :: [Hullyŏn togam]. 1610;
7. 明五大家律詩鈔 : [8卷] Myŏng odaegayul sichʻo [8-kwŏn]. Hansŏng: s.n, ca. 1700]; and
9. 經史集說. 卷之三, 君道文下. Kyŏngsa chipsŏl Kwŏn chi sam Kundomun ha. Korea: s.n, 1800?].
The library has one chapter of the Myŏng odaega yulsi ch’o 明五大家律詩鈔, printed with a famous font of 1682, based on the calligraphy of Han Gu 1636-1715. The book is messy and damaged. The content is a kind of poetry that flourished in Ming China.
TK 9428.9 7232(7)
The distinguished historian and library director Min Young-gyu 민영규 (1905-2005; sobriquet Sŏyŏ 西餘) of Yonsei University arranged for HYL to acquire a set of movable type printed works, during the 1950s. Before that time, the library did not have a Korean collection. Fonts created in 1420, 1434, 1455, 1484 1515, 1610,1682 and 1800 are included.

Myŏng Odaega yulsi ch’o
[8卷. Myŏng odaegayul sichʻo : [8-kwŏn].
[Hansŏng : s.n. ca. 1700].
An example of 韓構字.
This is the title page of Volume 3 of 明五大家律詩鈔 following the table of contents. The image also shows Min Young-gyu’s seal, reading “西餘.”
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library;
Call no. TK 9428.9 7232 (7)
Kyŏngsa chipsŏl. Kwŏn chi sam, Kundomun ha
經史集說. 卷之三, 君道文下
This work was collected as a rare example of ceramic type printing, thought to be printed around 1800. It is a classified encyclopedia. The characters are tiny. There are red and blue upper margin headings throughout.
TK 9428.9 7232 (9)
Hollis no.: TK 3490.9.8231
Manuscript, 19th century (?) 29 cm
鄭之霖. 山水志 : 3卷 / 鄭之霖著. [Korea] : 自然經室稿本, [18–].
Handwritten on personalized, pre-ruled writing paper printed with lines as a guide for handwriting. Every sheet bears the collector Sŏ Yugu’s (1764-1845) sobriquet “Chayŏn kyŏngsil 自然經室.”
Collected by Sŏ Yu-gu 徐有榘 (1764-1845) whose
studio name Chayŏn kyŏngsil 自然經室, as in “Collection of Chayŏn kyŏngsil” 自然經室藏.

Sansoji 3 kwŏn
山水志 : 3卷
[Korea] : 自然經室稿本, [18–].
This is the first page of 山水志 : 3卷 / 鄭之霖著. The left bottom of the image reads “自然經室藏,” indicating that the book belings to Sŏ Yugu’s personal book collection.
The image also shows the Harvard-Yenching Library’s seal of ownership.
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library;
Call no. TK 3490.9 8231
Han P’il-gyo, born 1807
Sukch’ŏn cheado
Perhaps the most famous Korean volume in the library’s collection, Han’s illustrated record of his working life is a unique example of pictorial record keeping through buildings and landscape, at a personal level. Painting 5, a county magistrate’s office; painting 14, an office inside Changgyŏng Palace. Han, a scion of a prominent family, saw this concertina-mounted album of paintings and handwritten texts not as a work of art but as a family record.
*** Sun Joo Kim, Harvard-Yenching Professor of Korean History at Harvar published a bilingual translation of the work in 2012 (Publisher Minsogwŏn 민속원), one of the partners that the Yenching Library has collaborated to digitize some of the Korean Rare Books held by the HYL.
*** A replica of an image from it is framed and hanging on the wall by the entrance to this room.
TK 3490.88 4331

Books in Transnational Contexts
Qu You 瞿佑 Chinese, 1341-1427
Jiandeng xinhua jujie
[New tales written while trimming the wick]
Ming Chinese novel, reprinted in Japan with konduku/gloss, based on a Korean edition with kuhae (glossing).
Kyoto, 1648.
27 cm
TJ 5738 6120
Kim Ki-sŭp 金時習著 1435-1494
Kŭmo sinhwa
[New stories of a golden turtle]
Kyoto, 1673
27 cm
One of 5 surviving works by Kim, lost in Korea, preserved in Japan. Influenced by Qu You’s ‘New tales written while trimming the wick’.
TJ 5568.5 8161
Ryu Sŏng-nyong 柳成龍, 1542-1607
woodblock printed
柳成龍, 懲毖錄 : 四卷.
京都 [Kyōto]: 大和屋伊兵衛寫板 Yamatoya Ihē shahan, 元祿 Genroku 8 [1695].
A Japanese reprint of Chingbirok (A Record of Corrections; Collection) by a mid-Chosŏn official Yu Sŏngyong’s (1542-1607) record of the Imjin War/Hideyoshi Invasion of 1592. With kunduku 訓読 (Japanese vernacular reading by gloss)
Call no. TJ 3487.5 4250.3

Chōhiroku 4-kan.
懲毖錄 : 四卷
The first page Chingbirok by of Yu, Sŏng-nyong 1542-1607. Chōhiroku 4-kan.
Kyōto: Yamatoya Ihē shahan,
Genroku 8 [1695].
Image Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TJ 3487.5 4250.3
Made-in-Korea in Chinese style
Nam Kongch’ŏl 南公轍 (1760–1840)
Kwiŭndang chip
歸恩堂集 10卷
[Collection of writings from the studio of returning to favour.]
n.p.: Okkyŏng Sanbang chungjŏng 玉磬山房重訂 1834 (?), 30 cm. Wooden Movable type (聚珍字Ch’wijinja)
The fifth of Nam’s published works. He was a scion of an elite family: his father was tutor to the future King Chŏngjo. TK 5568.2 4285. Compare to 1830, Yŏngong chae sokko : 3-kwŏn/潁翁再續藁 : 3卷, 1830., metal movable type printed, using 全史字 Chŏnsa cha.
Call no. TK 5568.2 4285

Kwiŭndang chip
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 5568.2 4285
A shared classic in CJK
The ‘Thousand Character Classic’
千字文注 : 一卷, 附清書千字文一卷
Qian zi wen zhu : 1 juan, fu Qing shu Qian zi wen 1 juan
China (1685)
Zhou Xingsi 周興嗣 撰 Chinese, ?-521. T 5161 7276.3
Japan, 15–? 纂圖附音増廣古注千字文 TJ 5161 4431
Korea, 18–? 註解千字文 TK 5973.08 2302
Multi-script, Multi-literate Books
Sejo 世祖 撰.
Wŏrin Sŏkpo
月印釋譜 : 第二十一
Andong : Kwanghŭngsa kaepʻan, Kajŏng 21 [1543]安東 : 廣興寺開板, 嘉靖21 [1543], 28 cm
Wŏrin sŏkpo (Episodes from the Life of Sakyamuni Buddha) unites two works. The first is Sŏkpo sangjŏl (Episodes from the Life of Sakyamuni Buddha), a biography of the Buddha compiled by Grand Prince Suyang in 1447 in memory of Queen Sohŏn. The second is Wŏrin ch’ŏn’gang chikok (Songs of the Moon Shining on a Thousand Rivers), written by King Sejong, which was printed in 1447.
Wŏrin sŏkpo was printed with the 1458 typeface ‘muinja’ at the command of King Sejo (former Grand Prince Suyang) r. 1455-68.
TK 5973.3 4243
King Chŏngjo’s sumptuary guidance on women’s hair adornments (e.g., false braids, hair accessories, etc.).
Kach’e singŭm samok
Movable-type print (Literary Sinitic), 丁酉字 (1777) 改鑄甲寅字
Wood-block printed (Vernacular)
Chŏngjo 12 [1788].
King Chŏngjo’s sumptuary guidance on women’s hair adornments (e.g., false braids, hair accessories, etc.).
Call no. TK 9428.9/7232 (8)

Kach’e sin’gum samok
The image combines two corresponding portions of the 1788-edition of Kach’e sin’gŭm samok.
The left side is the first page written in Literary Sinitic printed in metal-movable type printing and the right side is the seventeenth written in Hangul and printed in woodblock printing.
The pages also bear Min Younggyu’s seal, “sŏyŏ” 西餘.
Image Source: Harvard-Yenching Library: Call no. TK 9428.9/7232 (8)
Confucian-style Buddhist sutra
Three copies of the apocryphal sutra about the impossibility of repaying one’s parents’ kindness
Pulsŏl taebo pumo ŭnjunggyŏng ŏnhae
woodblock printed
An 18th century edition of Pulsŏl taebo pumo ŭnjunggyŏng ŏnhae (Vernacularized edition of the Sutra on the Difficulty of Reciprocating the Kindness of Parents), an apocryphal Buddhist sutra that foregrounds the Confucian virtue of filial piety (hyo 孝).
Call no. TK 1826 8762; TK 1826 8762.2; TK 1826 8763

Pulsŏl taebo pumo ŭnjunggyŏng ŏnhae
[Korea : 內閣刊本, 178-?].
Image Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 1826 8762
Hulbert, Homer B. 1863-1949
Samin pilji
士民必知 : 卷 1-2 ‘Knowledge necessary for all’
Kaesŏng : s.n.], Tae Chosŏn Kaeguk 504-nyŏn Ŭlmi [1895] 開城 : s.n.], 大朝鮮開國504年乙未[1895] 29 cm.
First published in Hangul in 1889; this (revised) edition in Chinese characters. Significant as the first modern work to introduce world geography and culture to Korean readers.
TK 2358 8139
Chang Hon 張混 撰. 1759-1828
Ahŭi wŏllam 兒戲原覧 [Primer in children’s education]
The Library has two copies: a manuscript (TK 9334 7217) and a copy printed in Chŏnju by Taga Sŏpʻo in 1914. Chang Hon, a chungin poet and essayist who compiled various works, is recognised as a significant figure in printing and educational life in the 19th century.
TK 9334 7217 and TK 9334 7217.2
Cho Ung chŏn
Rental shop-published manuscript novel (sech’aek p’ilsabon sosŏl). 2 volumes.
Transcriber’s note (p’ilsagi; note of transcription) at end of volume 1, ‘by Pak Tŏk-sŏn 朴德善’. The p’ilsgi reads “甲辰臘月日謄畢” (Copying completed in the 12th month of the kapchin year [1904]). The owner is identified as “冊主朴德善” (Book owner: Pak Tŏksŏn).
***Today’s (Dec 7) special Lecture by Professor Lee Min Heui discusses rental-shop manuscript novels.
A vernacular novel (ŏnmun sosŏl) that tells the trial and tribulations of a young man named Cho Ung.
Call no. TK 5973.5 484

Cho Ung Chŏn
The left image is the title page. The top margin has a page number. In the final text column (left bottom), the written words do not take up the whole space. The blank space was preserved for readers page turning, which was often done with salivated fingers.
The right image is the final page of Volume One. The two lines written in sinographs are p’ilsagi (note of transcription) and the name of the book’s owner. The p’ilsgi reads “甲辰臘月日謄畢” (Copying completed in the 12th month of the kapchin year [1904]) The owner is identified as “冊主朴德善” (Book owner: Pak Tŏksŏn).
Image Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 5973.5 484
Individuals and Organizations Producing Books
Im Ch’un 林椿 (ca. 1200)
Sŏha sŏnsaeng chip kwŏn 4-5
西河先生集 卷 4-5
P’yŏngyang 平壤 s.n., 1223?] 26 cm, woodblock printed
Im Ch’un, penname Sŏha, was one of the ‘seven sages of Korea, or Haejwa ch’ilhyŏn’ 海左七賢 and a leading literary figure of his time. His collected works were posthumously assembled by others. The preface is dated 1222.
Call no. TK 5568.2 494

Sŏha sŏnsaeng chip
The title page of volume Four of Sŏha sŏnsaeng chip, showing the table of contents.
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 5568.2 494
Sŏ, Kŏjŏng 1420-1488.
Tongguk t’onggam (kwŏn 47-48)
[Complete Mirror of the Eastern Kingdom]
1485, 33 cm, woodblock printed.
Initiated in 1458 under Sejo, resurrected by Sŏ in 1483, completed in 1485 and presented to King Seongjong. First printed with movable type (kapchinja) in Seoul, and later woodblock printed in Pyongyang and Taegu. Library’s copy dates to 1670s.
TK 3486 2971

Tongguk t’onggam
Sŏ, Kŏjŏng 1420-1488.
Korea: s.n, Sŏnghwa 21 (1485)?
The image shows the fourth and fifth pages (verso3 and recto4, respectively) of Volume 47 of Tongguk t’onggam. On the right margin reads “The Koryŏ King Kongmin” 高麗恭愍王. On the top right margin reads “the year of kihae” 己亥 (1359).
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 3486 2971
Kim Man-jung 金萬重 (1637-1692)
Kuunmong 3-kwŏn
九雲夢 : 3卷
3 volumes; Manuscript, copied 1670-1700 (?). 29 cm, Japanese collector’s stamps.
Compare with TK 5973.5 4482.6, woodblock print.
TK 5973.5 8142c
single volume; Korean, woodblock-printed
TK 5973.5 4482.6

The titles pages of two different editions (ibon) of Kuunmong. The image on the left is from a single-volume block-printed vernacular novel edition. The image on the right is from a three-volume Literary Sinitic, manuscript edition.
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 5973.5 8142c (right) and TK 5973.5 4482.6 (left)
Hwayongdo 華容道 [2]-kwŏn.
Chŏnju : Taga Sŏpʻo, 全州 : 多佳書舖, Taejŏng 5 [1916]
A commercially published vernacular novel, 26 cm, woodblock printed.
Colophon at end of text: Kudong sin’gan 龜洞新刊丁未 [Newly printed in Ku-dong in 1907?]
*** Tomorrow’s (Dec 8) conference presentations include “Carving Readability: The Mise-en-Page of Block-Printed Vernacular Novels as Interface”
TK 5754 4322
Hong Man-jong 洪萬宗 著 1642-1725
Tongguk yŏktae chʻongmok : pu chiji 東國歷代總目 : 附地誌
‘Overview and lessons of the generations of the Eastern Country’.
Manuscript. An example of the intertwined nature of printed and manuscript book production and consumption. 31 cm
*** Tomorrow’s (Dec 8) conference presentations include “Manuscript in an Era of Print, or Print in an Era of Manuscript: The Example of Hong Manjong’s Tongguk yŏktae ch’ongmok”
TK 3482.6 3843
Yi Ŏn-jin李彦瑱 1740-1766
Songmokkwan chip : 2-kwŏn
松穆館集 : 2卷
[n.p.]: Hongyangnu changpʻan, Hampʻung 10 [1860] 紅藥樓藏板, 咸豐10 [1860]. Note the four-hole sewing, typical of Chinese, not Korean books. Yi Ŏn-jin was an official interpreter at court.
The library also holds a copy of Songmokkwan sinyŏ ko 松穆館燼餘稿 at TK 5568.2 4401.2 (Currently Hollis lists it as Songgokkwan chinyŏ ko.)
See also TK 5568.2 4401.1.

Songmokkwan chip
A metal movable-type printed book
based on a woodblock-printed book printed in Beijing
The image shows the cover. The book is made of a four-hole binding called sach’im, common in traditional Chinese book binding atypical of a traditional Korean book binding (which typically uses five-holed binding called och’im)
Source: HArvard-Yenching Library; call no. TK 5568.2 4401.1
Call no. TK 5973.52 7712
Yu-ssi samdaerok
[ca. 1900].
Yu-ssi samdaerok (Record of the Three Generations of the Yu Family) is a vernacular novel.

Yu-ssi samdaerok
[ca. 1900]
This is the final page. It has a note of transcription (p’ilsagi), reading, “I am saddened and frustrated that the book has no joyful passages.”
Source: Harvard-Yenching Library; Call no. TK 5973.52 7712
Yi Sang-jŏk 李尚迪 1803-1865.
Ŭnsongdang chip : si 10-kwŏn : mun 2-kwŏn
恩誦堂集 : 詩10卷: 文2卷
Published in Beijing in 1847. Movable type printed, 26 cm.
Yi Sang-jŏk was a poet and calligrapher. He visited China many times and met Chinese scholars there. (In addition to this work, Harvard Yenching also holds other collections of Ŭnsongdang chip, at TK 5568.2 4491.2 and TK 5568.2 4491.3.)
TK5568.2 4491

Harvard Art Museums.
Eight-panel folding screen; ink and color on silk.
Credit line reads “Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Purchase in honor of James Cuno through the generosity of Robert D. Mowry and through the William M. Prichard Memorial Fund.”
Dimensions–painting proper, H. 28.2 x W. 41.2 cm (11 1/8 x 16 1/4 in.); mounting, including cord and roller ends: H. 106.7 x W. 67.9 cm (42 x 26 3/4 in.).
Provenance: [Kang Collection, New York (2002)] sold; to Harvard University Art Museums, 2002.
Themes: comparing manuscript, woodblock, copper engraving, and typography. How changes are made after publication. How some books combine technologies. European books for China.
Manuscript and print
Penmanship manuals/sample books:
MS Typ 166
Penmanship specimen book 1548-54
Student notes:
sammelband of annotated schooltexts, including selections from Vergil, Bucolica, Aeneid I, Horace, Carmina (Paris, 1561)
Ms Lat 481
Dialectica dictata a doctissimo domino D. Ioanne Corbion : manuscript, 1703 (Univeristy of Leuven, now in Belgium)
Woodblock and print
A straightforward case:
TypR-87 (1-3)
Wood blocks for Mattioli, De i Discorsi nelli sei libri di Dioscoride
Typ 525.85.562
Mattioli, De i Discorsi nelli sei libri di Dioscoride (Venice: Valgrisi, 1585), see p. 500
A more complicated one:
Wood block for Catalogus Gloriae mundi ca 1529.
Call no. *FC5.C3876.529cb
Catalogvs gloriae mvndi (online access requires Harvard ID)
Chasseneuz, Barthélemy de, approximately 1480-1541 / Lvgdvni : A. Vincentium M.D.XLVI

Catalogvs gloriae mvnd
Chasseneuz, Barthélemy de, approximately 1480-1541 / Lvgdvni : A. Vincentium M.D.XLVI
The image shows the title page, p 12.
Image source: Houghton Library, Harvard University; Call no. *FC5.C3876.529cb
Barthelemy de Chasseneuz, Catalogus gloriae mundi (Lyon: A. Vincent, 1546)
TO NOTICE: look for two differences between the woodblock as we have it now and the imprint made from it in 1546 (f. 104v)
ALSO re variations between copies both as printed and after printing:
Compare the title pages and another page of your choice in the body of the text between these two copies of the same book. What’s the same and what’s different? Compare ff 19 and 173. Notice that the cba copy is misbound in places: prelim. leaves 2-3 misbound following prelim. leaf 8; leaf [11] following 14; 63 & 64
Pages marked up ff. 89, 103: why? By whom?
Call no. TypR-87 (1-3)
Wood blocks for Mattioli, De i Discorsi nelli sei libri di Dioscoride
Pietro Andrea Mattioli’s De I discorsi nelli sei libri di Pedacio Dioscoride anazarbo was published in Venice by Felice Velgrisi in 1585.
Two of the blocks (TypR-87 (1) and (2)) first appeared in the 1563 Prague edition of Fuch’s New Kreüterbuch; Giorgio Liberale and Wolfgang Meyerpeck were jointly responsible for the woodcuts for the New Kreüterbuch.

The block pairs Mattioli, Pietro Andrea. De i discorsi di M. Pietro Andrea Matthioli…nelli sei libri di Pedacio… Venetia, 1585 (1584), p. 500.
Image Source: Houghton Library, Harvard University. Call no. TypR-87 (1-3), WOODBLOCK (1), RECTO
Woodblock vs copper engraving
f Typ 620 02.232
Tycho Brahe, Astronomiae instauratae mechanica (Nurnberg, 1602)
TO NOTICE: some images are made by woodblock, others by copper engraving. When a page includes both techniques, how was this done?
Giulio Aleni, Tian zhu jiang sheng chu xiang jing jie, 1635-40 [printed in China by the Jesuits]
Call no. F52-1049
Tian zhu jiang sheng chu xiang jing jie
Aleni, Giulio
China: ca. 1635-1640
Tian zhu jiang sheng chu xiang jing jie (Illustrated Explanation of A History of the Lord of Heaven Who Became Incarnate in the Flesh; or Life and passion of Christ) by Giulio Aleni (1582–1649), a jesuit priest who was born in Brescia, Republic of Venice, and died in Fuzhou, China. He was the first Christian missionary to China.

Tian zhu jiang sheng chu xiang jing jie
Alenio, Giulio, 1582-1649.
[Illustrated Explanation of A History of the Lord of Heaven Who Became Incarnate in the Flesh/Life and passion of Christ].
[China, ca. 1640].
Source: Houghton Library, Harvard University; Call no. Cal52-1049.
[Copper plate for Description des batailles de la Chine] by Jacques-Philippe Le Bas, between 1766 and 1774. after a drawing by Jean Denis Attiret (“Battle of Khorgos”) for the series of prints Description des batailles de la Chine, which was commissioned by Chinese emperor Qianlong
This copy: Inscribed on front: ” … Attiret Soc. jes fecit Pekini, Anno 1766″, “C.N. Cochin Filius Diréxit.”, and “Gravé par J. P. Le Bas, Graveur du Cabinet du Roi en 1774”; Chinese inscription on verso describing the subject of the plate.
pf (horz) Typ 715.69.280 Description des batailles de la Chine. Paris : C.N. Cochin, 1769-1774.
Notes in Hollis : Title from ms. t.-p.; also known as “Victoires et conquêtes de l’empereur de la Chine.” Also reissued in Peking with 18 calligraphic plates of text by the Emperor.
19th-century examples
?? *EC85.D5551.865ob
Dickens, Charles, Our mutual friend. By Charles Dickens. With illustrations (New York: Harper & brothers, publishers, Franklin square, 1865). 2 pts. Serial publication.
MS Hyde 76 v. 1, pt 1
Boswell’s Life of Johnson : including Boswell’s Journal of a tour to the Hebrides and Johnson’s Diary of a journey into North Wales, ed. George Birkbeck Hill (1887); extra-illustrated. 31 vols
Some terms in material bibliography:
incunabulum, incipit, explicit, colophon, rubrication, printer’s mark
edition, state, issue; facsimile, reprint
printer, corrector, engraver, illustrator
page, folio (foliation), signature, quire
woodblock, copper engraving, intaglio, hand painting
marginalia, ex-libris, interleaved pages
binding: vellum, leather (stamped), clasps
portfolio, folio, quarto, octavo, duodecimo
broadside, broadsheet, pamphlet
A few distinctions: an edition comprises “all the copies of a book printed at any time from substantially the same setting of type.” Early modern printers could make corrections during printing (stop-press corrections), or substitute a new page or quire (the new page or sheet is called a cancel); since the uncorrected versions were usually not thrown out to avoid waste, these changes resulted in different states of the edition going into circulation. A second issue occurs when sheets from the same printing are sold separately: e.g. by another publisher who shared in the venture; or with a cancel for the title page to market as a second edition those copies which did not sell.
Call no. f*Bible A.569 vol. 1
Benedict Arias Montanus, polyglot Bible in 8 vols (1569)
A volume from the Old Testament, e.g. vol.1