This post is part of an ongoing series featuring recently cataloged items from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. This lovely artist book Geheimzinnige Personen : omtrent de flarden des levenswas was created by a Dutch artist, Margit Willems. It loosely translates to Mysterious Persons: on the scraps of life and features 23 linocuts with text…
Perils of drinking
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring recently cataloged items from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. L’antialcoolisme en histoires vraies is a volume that deals with the history of alchoholism and the various effects on all of society. Crafted as lectures and lessons that go with official programs it was written by Dr….
Mad Dog’s i
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring recently cataloged items from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Today’s post features an artist named Richard Stine and his book Smile in a Mad Dog’s i. Stine self-published this first edition in 1974 with 4000 copies. Inspired by the receipt books that newsboys used to…
Sinner man
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. “Here, in this taut, fact-crammed volume, you’ll be taken into the fifteen most infamous vice centers of the entire hemisphere, you’ll see for yourself how crime flourishes within each city.” America’s cities of sin is an anthology of articles…
Election day is upon us!
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Inspired by Election Tuesday and in light of Massachusetts Ballot Question 4 I thought it might be interesting to look at a few ephemeral examples of the legalization of marijuana I recently uncovered within the collection. For those…
Living on Love
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Ever wondered how you can live like a hippie in the 1960s? The hippy’s handbook : how to live on love could be just what you need. This tongue in cheek guide tells you how to save…
Don’t Eat That Mushroom!
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Mushrooms- they are cheap and legal, but how do you ensure that you don’t eat the wrong one? Hallucinogenic Mushrooms contains information on identification, buying and eating mushrooms, different species, current laws, as well as poisonous mushrooms in Britain. This…
Want to live on a Commune?
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. What exactly is a Commune? I’ll use the words from the Commune : Journal of the Commune Movement to explore the concept. According to Joan (one of the contributors) there are many different types of Commune scenes. You have…
Bear’s foot?
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. I have to say as we have processed this immense collection one of the things that never ceases to delight me are the names of various plants. For example Bear’s foot, which is named because it has…
Dope is falling from the sky
This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Marijuana monthly is a periodical unsurprisingly devoted to all things marijuana. Smuggling, growing, dealing, legal cases and aspects, and even some curious adventures that the staff experienced. One of the included articles reveals a story of aerial marijuana…