Newly digitized items for June

Front facade of Houghton Library

Fine, Oronce. La theorique des cieulx et sept planetes. FC5.F494.528tbOur largest-ever new digitization post includes a collection of correspondence of Benedict Arnold, manuscripts of Thoreau and Henry James, a collection of early 19th century drawings of English theaters, and much more. [Thanks to Emilie Hardman, Public Services/Metadata Assistant, and Susan Pyzynski, Associate Librarian for Technical Services, for contributing this post.]

Aristotle, et al.
Works of Aristotle, Theophrastus, Ammonius, Porphyrius, and Pseudo-Galen: manuscript, [149-]
MS Gr 17

Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Late 15th cent. MS Gr 17 (39v)

This manuscript, which served as the printers’ copy for Aldus Manutius’ edition of Aristotle (1495-8), bears the marks of that work. Completed by four different scribes, the volume contains parts of Aristotle’s De caelo, Nicomachean Ethics, De generatione et corruptione, and Physiognomica, as well as Theophrastus: De historia plantarum , De causis plantarum, and De signis aquarum et ventorum, Porphyrius: Isagogue, with the introduction of Ammonius, and Pseudo-Galen: De historia philosophica.

Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801.
Papers, 1765-1886 (inclusive), 1775-1806 (bulk).
MS Am 1446

Muster roll of Daniel Livermore's company, 1777. MS Am 1446 (76)

The great majority of this collection has been digitized in full, including many fragile items. The collection contains correspondence, legal documents, and financial papers pertaining to the lives of Benedict Arnold, his second wife Margaret Shippen Arnold, their children, and her family and includes army commands issued by Arnold and other American officers such as Ethan Allen.

Brooke, Frances, 1724?-1789.
Frances Brooke letters to Richard Gifford, 1756-1772 and undated.
MS Eng 1310

MS Eng 1310 (27)

The entirety of this collection has been digitized. Letters to English author Richard Gifford from English author Frances Brooke. The collection includes twenty-four letters concerning financial affairs, their writings, their children and acquaintances, songs by Gifford, and the creation of the comic opera Rosina by Brooke. Also includes three letters from Gifford to Brooke and eleven songs in French and English, as well as songs for Rosina.

[Corneille, Pierre] Six pièces sur Le Cid, 1637.
FC6.C8147.T637s (no. 1-6).

Drawings of English theaters, 1790-1820.
MS Thr 344

Drury Lane Theatre, London. Architectural model of interior section. MS Thr 344 (28)

Digitization has been completed for the entirety of this collection of drawings and models depicting English theatre edifices and interiors. The collection includes James Winston’s drawings of Portman Market Theatre, Plymouth Theatre, Richmond Theatre, and the Drury Lane Theatre. Samuel Beazley’s drawings of the Theatre Royal, Birmingham and the Theatre Royal Rotunda, Dublin, as well as drawings of the Drury Lane Theater, the Theatre Royal, Birmingham, and unidentified theaters by unidentified artists are also represented.

Enríquez Gómez, Antonio, 1600-1663.
Trivmpho lvsitano, recibimiento que mandõ hazer Su Magestad el christianissimo rey de Francia Luis XIII a los exbaxadores extraordinarios, que S.M. el serenissimo rey d. Iuan el IV. de Portugal le embiô el año de 1641.
*PC6 En714 641tb

Enríquez Gómez, Antonio. Triumpho lusitano. PC6.En714.641tb

Antonio Enríquez Gómez was a Portuguese-Jewish dramatist, poet and novelist. Triumpho lusitano is among his earliest published works and contains verse written in honor of emissaries sent to the court of King Louis XIII by John IV, king of the then recently independent Portugal.

Fine, Oronce,1494-1555. La theorique des cieulx et sept planetes.
A Paris: Chez Guillaume Cavellat,1558.

Fine, Oronce. La theorique des cieulx et sept planetes. FC5.F494.528tb

Hippolytus, Antipope, ca. 170-235 or 6.
Beatissimi Hippolyti episcopi et martyris Oratio, de consummatione mu[n]di, ac de Antichristo, & Secundo Aduentu Domini Nostri Iesu Christi.
Lutetiae Parisiorum : Apud Audoënum Paruum … , 1556-1557.

Hippolytus’ apocalyptic work detailing both the end of the world and its second advent.

Henry James journals.
MS Am 1094 Journals v. 1-16.

Scroll down to Series IX, a series of 16 diaries and appointment books covering the years 1878-1915.

La clavicule de la science hermetique écrite par un habitant du Nort dans ses heurs (sic) de loisir lan MDCCXXII : manuscript, [not before 1751]
MS Fr 432

An alchemical text previously owned by Jean Julien Champagne , occult artist and member of the Frères d’Heliopolis, a French alchemy society involving the mysterious Fulcanelli.

Leigh, Oliver Herbrand Gordon.
Kings and Queens in the world of home, a parlour play for young Americans.
[Denver, 1889]
DAL 2353.4.3

A parlor play for children originally published in The Denver Republican, 1889, later clipped and mounted. The cast of characters includes Tomato Khan, Cream of Tartary, Longhair Longbow and the Lord of Misrule, each a general mockery of various dignitaries and significant world figures.

[Linotype] The designing of this face of type : being an account of the progress from a new basic idea to the finished matrix of Cheltenham Old Style, a body letter originated for the Linotype.
New York : Mergenthaler Linotype Co., 1905.
TypTs 970M.

Mergenthaler Linotype. The designing of this face of type. Typ TS 970M

The Mergenthaler Linotype Company was a leading manufacturer of typesetting equipment in the late 19th century. The company produced the Linotype machine and developed many significant typefaces, including the Cheltenham Old Style typeface, the development of which is described in this publication.

[Mazarinade] La custode de la reine qui dit tou : manuscript, 1649.
MS Fr 104

Manuscript, in an unidentified hand, containing a mazarinade, and a six-line epigram in a different hand at the end.

[Minstrels] More than 700 Cartes-des-visite photographs of 19th century minstrels.

Master Barney. HTC Photos 3.30

Peirce, Charles S. (Charles Sanders), 1839-1914.
Charles Sanders Peirce papers, 1787-1951.
MS Am 1632

(L485 – L516):
(L517 – L528):
(L529 – L531):
(L532 – L535a):
(L536 – L554):
(L555 – L563):
(L564 – L578):

From the extensive Charles Peirce collection, the entirety of his widow Juliette Peirce’s correspondence is now available digitally. Photographs, financial papers, pamphlets and court documents are also included.

Perry, Bliss, 1860-1954, recipient.
Letters from various correspondents, 1869-1942.
MS Am 1343

Bliss Perry’s correspondence with Charles Eliot Norton. Perry was a professor and author who, perhaps most notably, edited The Atlantic Monthly from 1899 to 1909. Norton and Perry were both members of the Tavern Club of Boston.

Rabelais, François, ca. 1490-1553? Pantagrueline prognosticatiõ certaine veritable & ĩfalible pour lã mil. D.xxxiii.

Rabelais, François. Pantagrueline prognosticatiõ. FC5.R1125.532pa

Roscius, Lucius Vitruvius, 16th century.
De docendi stvdendíqve modo, ac de claris puerorum moribus, libellus … L. Vitrvvio Roscio parmensi autore, cui adiecimus etiam alios eiusdem argumenti libellos aliquot …
Basileae [ex officina Roberti VVinter, 1541]
IC5 R7355 536dc

An early work on the arts of teaching and study.

Rogers, Henry Munroe, 1839-1937, collector.
Rogers Memorial Collection: Clara Kathleen Rogers papers, 1860-1934.
MS Thr 470

Criticism : skeleton of notes, an autograph manuscript by opera singer, composer, and author Clara Kathleen Rogers.

“The true and just critic must bring a passively receptive mind to bear on the object of his judgment. He must not in the first instance be looking for qualities, nor must he have an established standard of good and bad by which he measures …”

Society of the Cincinnati.
Constitution : manuscript, 1783
MS Am 2494

Society of the Cincinnati, the nation’s oldest patriotic organization, was founded in 1783 at the end of the Revolutionary War. Its name was intended to call to mind the Roman citizen-soldier Cincinnatus, not Ohio’s fine city of the same name. This Constitution is their founding document.

“The following principles shall be immutable, and form the basis of the Society of the Cincinnati. An incessant attention to preserve inviolate those exalted rights and liberties of human nature, for which they have fought and bled, and without which the high rank of a rational being is a curse instead of a blessing.”

Strange and vvonderful prophecies and predictions. Relating to divers kingdoms and states, for the year, 1691. &c. as to the grand affairs of Christendom: and what may in all likelihood and probability very speedily come to pass, to the glory of the British empire, and confederate princes; and to the ruine and decay of the French greatness, and confusion of our enemies, abroad, and at home: lively portrayed in figures, and words of explanation, at large: the like never before made publick to the world.
London; Printed for J.H. 1691.
EB65.A100.B675b (B83)

Strange and vvonderful prophecies and predictions. EB65.A100.B675b (B83)

Number 83 from the Marquess of Bute broadsides collection, this broadside offered such prophesies as that of “Plenty, Encrease, and Tranquility” which promised a long Prosperity such that every man could “sit at ease, and in plenty.” It also alternately promised an end to the fires of dissention fueled by “Oyl of Discord” and broad, sweeping war waged to “Establish the Royal Diadem.”

Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862. Prometheus bound by Aeschylus : AMs (unsigned) translation, [no place, ca. 1843].
MS Am 278.5.15

Thoreau, Henry David. Prometheus Bound. MS Am 278.5.15

Thoreau’s translation of Æschylus’ Prometheus bound was published in Margaret Fuller, Ralph Waldo Emerson and George Ripley’s The Dial: a magazine for literature, philosophy, and religion. The manuscript includes numerous alterations in pencil, many of which are reflected in the published text. Thoreau completed the translation (dramatizing the myth of Prometheus, a Titan punished by Zeus for introducing fire to humankind) in the year before he inadvertently set fire to Walden Woods where, of course, he later completed his significant work, Walden.