We’re happy to announce a new way of learning about the Houghton Library collections and the people that use them. The Houghton75 podcast! Houghton75 will present different voices and perspectives on Houghton Library in its seventy-fifth year.
The series kicks off with Harvard faculty members sharing their thoughts on the collection item they chose for the exhibition HIST 75H: A Masterclass on Houghton Library. The chosen item acts as a springboard for a broader conversation about their research and teaching. The first two episodes are up and ready for listening, either on SoundCloud or through iTunes or your favorite podcasting software (just search for Houghton75 and subscribe!).
The first episode features Robert Darnton speaking about Melville’s copy of Emerson, book history, censorship, and freedom of the press. Our latest episode examines race in the history of American music with Carol Oja.
We’ll be releasing a new episode about once a week. Subscribe in SoundCloud, iTunes, or through your favorite podcast catching software to always receive the latest. Or check back on our Houghton75 Podcast page to listen to them on your computer.