Year: 2016

Front facade of Houghton Library

Undergraduates at Houghton, Part III: Iberian Books Project

A sure-fire way to learn just how rare the books in a rare book library can be is to try documenting potential evidence of their existence.  Since May, I have scanned images of 164 books and pamphlets at Houghton.  The demands of the task required me to call for items in batches, instead of attempting…

Catnip not just for cats

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Plantas que curan y plantas que matan written in Spanish by Arias Carbajal certainly makes a splashy impression with its pulpy cover.  The title translates to “plants that cure and plants that kill” and includes both theoretical and practical…

Join the Conspiracy!

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. In late summer 1968, delegates gathered in Chicago for the 35th Democratic National Convention. It had been a year of war, assassinations, and riots. The North Vietnamese launched the Tet offensive in January. Martin Luther King,…

Undergraduates at Houghton, Part II: Material Evidence in Incunabula

A number of Houghton Library incunables—books printed using moveable type before 1501—were donated between 1955 and 1965 by Ward M. Canaday, member of the Harvard College class of 1907.  Several of those books were deposited in Houghton by Adriana R. Salem before being purchased by Canaday; Cambridge had been the end-point of Salem’s trans-Atlantic journey…

Psychic TV

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. On Easter Sunday in 1984, English experimental video art and music group Psychic TV conducted a performance at the Massachusetts College of Art. Physic TV members Genesis P-Orridge and John Gosling were interviewed after this performance,…

Undergraduates at Houghton, Part I: Consolidating Works on Manuscripts

This coming fall will see the opening of Beyond Words: Illuminated Manuscripts in Boston Collections, an exhibition of medieval and Renaissance books from local institutions.  The Houghton Library will loan the vast majority of the manuscripts on display, and the library will also act as one of three venues for the exhibition.  Preparations are not…

Eccles Cakes from the Archives

Last December, in the first of a series of we’re now calling “Cakes from the Collection,” we made Emily Dickinson’s 20 pound black cake. Recently, Team Cake gathered again to produce the second in our series, a very different challenge in the form of delicately crisp Eccles Cakes. Our friends in England will not require any instruction on the nature…

Cakes from the Collections and another birthday

Today at Houghton, July 8, we celebrated the birthday of our beloved patron Mary Hyde Eccles (1912-2003) with cake and a song. The cake, Eccles cakes to be specific, were spiced currant puff pastries, made (sort of) according to Mary’s own recipe (see here for more details on them!), which is housed here at Houghton…

Babar Comes to Houghton Library

Houghton Library is pleased to announce two important new acquisitions associated with the iconic children’s book character Babar the elephant. The first of these, thanks to a generous gift from Laurent de Brunhoff and his wife Phyllis Rose, is the complete archive of preparatory materials for the book ABC de Babar by Jean de Brunhoff,…

Shining a spotlight on Hidden Collections

At “hands in the air” in the style of MasterChef at the end of her own arduous MasterSurvey, Dana Gee marks the finish of our own six-month endurance test. Our Hidden Collections Grant to explore strange new worlds of backlog, to seek out new sheet music, to boldly go where no one has gone before,…