Year: 2016

Front facade of Houghton Library

Historical sheet music collections: The Heroism of King George

In our recent investigations of Houghton’s historical sheet music collections, I ran across an unusual score of the anthem God Save the King. The score included an unfamiliar verse by Mr. Sheridan at the bottom of the first leaf, and I couldn’t find the imprint recorded anywhere (though frequently libraries don’t catalog their sheet music…

This is a political newspaper/This is not a political newspaper

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. During the blossoming of the counterculture movement of the late 1960s, San Francisco saw the formation of an anarchist collective: the Diggers.  Taking inspiration (and their name) from the 17th century English Protestant radical group which…

New on OASIS in January

Two new finding aids have been added to the OASIS database this month: Processed by: Irina Klyagin Robert O’Hearn set designs (MS Thr 1236) Processed by: Jennifer Lyons Twentieth century American and British theater programs (MS Thr 1194)…

Magnificent vellucent!

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. This collection has been especially rich with volumes by Charles Baudelaire who though most famous as a French poet was also an art critic, essay writer, and translator of Edgar Allen Poe.  La Fleurs du Mal,…