Month: September 2016

Front facade of Houghton Library

A picture is worth a thousand words

We have all heard it. If you think of googling it, by the way, don’t—nobody really knows who said it first. We have all said it. Ironically, even writers are fond of it. “The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book,” says Evgenii Bazarov, the revolutionary-inclined…

Bear’s foot?

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. I have to say as we have processed this immense collection one of the things that never ceases to delight me are the names of various plants.  For example Bear’s foot, which is named because it has…


Dance notation is one of those tricky subjects which has been discussed for centuries: no matter how you write it down, you’re sure to miss something important. I’ve discussed some examples here in in the blog, particularly regarding Feuillet notation (which was a particular interest of Professor Ward’s). But sometimes folks just take things into…

New on OASIS in September

Four finding aids for newly accessioned or cataloged collections have been added to the OASIS database this month. Newly cataloged by: Irina Klyagin and Christine Jacobson Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Dana papers on Soviet theater and film and university lecture notes, 1902-1955 (MS Thr 402) Minimally Processed by: Melanie Wisner Tina Howe papers, circa 1958-2015 (MS…

Dope is falling from the sky

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. Marijuana monthly is a periodical unsurprisingly devoted to all things marijuana.  Smuggling, growing, dealing, legal cases and aspects, and even some curious adventures that the staff experienced. One of the included articles reveals a story of aerial marijuana…