Jesus Junk

Front facade of Houghton Library

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items recently cataloged from the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection.


The Daily Planet publication appears to be somewhat of a mystery.  It is clearly a reference to the famed Daily Planet newspaper from the Superman franchise, but I couldn’t find any further information about the title.  Published in California, presumably in the 1970s, we have two issues from 1971.  The content of both issues is vastly different, though the connecting thread seems to be satire of any popular news or topic of the moment.  For instance the October 1971 issue heavily mocks religion, in particular Christianity.

Img0022 Img0023

There is an extensive article regarding Billy Graham, which mocks his fame and fortune, presumably made on the back of saving souls according to the author.

Img0025 And if you are in the market for Jesus merchandise there is a two-page spread regarding various Jesus products from statues to games to a collapsing cup (for holy water only!)


To learn more the Daily Planet can be found in Widener’s collection. Daily PlanetSan Mateo, California : Daily Planet.

Thanks to Alison Harris, Santo Domingo Project Manager, for contributing this post.