G. Thomas Tanselle delivered the 100th George Parker Winship Lecture on 1 April 2014 at Harvard University. “A Bibliographer’s Creed” was published afterwards in Volume 25, Number 1 of the Harvard Library Bulletin. It was also “handsomely republished” in the same year and this publication has been noticed recently in The Book Collector 64.3 (2015), 362-363, where it is described as “the distillation of a lifetime’s experience in the study of books by a scholar of matchless authority.” The review continues: “the richness of the argument will provide stimulus to all students of bibliography, but, even more, it is a book to be read for pleasure by anyone interested in the book and its history; Tanselle’s lapidary prose has its own delights.”
This post was contributed by William P. Stoneman, Curator of Early Books and Manuscripts.