Day: October 1, 2015

Front facade of Houghton Library

True French crime

This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items from the newly acquired Julio Mario Santo Domingo Collection. I recently discovered two issues of a weekly French Police newspaper aptly titled Police Hebdo published in October of 1947.  The publication appears to cover extremely sensationalized information and news about various crimes and criminals both in…

New on OASIS in October

Seven finding aids for newly cataloged collections were added to the OASIS database this month, including papers from E.E. Cummings and William James, and a collection of Soviet propaganda regarding the downing of the U2 spy plane in 1962. Processed by Irina Klyagin: Letters to Serge Diaghilev from Various Correspondents, 1916-1929 (MS Thr 1140) Processed…

Maurice Blanchot papers acquired by Harvard

Houghton Library has acquired the archive of French writer, literary theorist, and philosopher Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) from his daughter, Cidalia Blanchot. Christie McDonald, Smith Professor of French Language and Literature at Harvard University, said, “I am thrilled by Houghton’s acquisition of this important archive.  Scholars will have unprecedented access to material that will give us…