Finding aids for 16 newly cataloged collections were added to the OASIS database this month. This marks the last time this list will be compiled by Senior Manuscript Cataloger Bonnie B. Salt, who created more than 580 of these finding aids in the course of her distinguished career at Houghton. We are sorry to see her go, but offer her the fondest wishes for a happy retirement.
Processed by Bonnie B. Salt:
Elizabeth Carter and Hannah More Letters to Mary Hamilton, 1778-1815 (MS Eng 1778)
Minstrel Show Collection, 1868-1938 (MS Thr 1153)
Benjamin Webster Papers, 1781-1877 (MS Thr 394)
Edmund G. Wilson Research Papers on German and Austrian Operetta, 1958-1989 (MS Thr 1154)
Letters to Cadell & Davies, 1773-1841 (MS Eng 1780)
Papers Concerning the “Snuff Box Affair”, 1751-1765 (MS Eng 1779)
Francis L. Harris Journals, Letters, and Other Papers, 1840-1867 (MS Am 978)
Elizabeth Bartlett Glynn Correspondence, 1822-1829 (MS Am 1070)
Charles Henry Taylor Collection of Miscellaneous Manuscripts, 1774-1857 (MS Am 800.19)
Anna Duval-Thibault Literary Papers, 1883-1935 (MS Can 27)
Edward Arlington Robinson Letters to George W. Latham, 1893-1947 (MS Am 1337.2)
Papers Concerning Lennox and Addington County and Hastings County, Ontario, Canada, 1791-1913 (MS Can 95)
Brenda (Schooner) Papers, 1846-1855 (MS Am 1071)
Joseph Husband Records Concerning the United States Navy, 1918-1936 (MS Am 3045)
Processed by Caroline Duroselle-Melish, with the assistance of Bonnie B. Salt:
Golgonooza Letter Foundry Archive, 1984-2001 (MS Typ 1185)
Processed by Christina Linklater with the assistance of Melanie Wisner:
Instrumental Parts, 1750-1900 (MS Mus 272)