Exploring Advertising

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This post is part of an ongoing series featuring items from the newly acquired Santo Domingo collection.

What ifAlthough the marketing and branding world was very different in 2002, Jean Jacques Evrard and Brice Auckenthaler still present interesting and relevant insight in their book What If? Insights into brand trends and the birth of new target sectors. The book is a collection of articles previously published in the Belgian magazine PUB and the French magazine Point De Vente.  Each article offers insight into product branding and new ways people were implementing this information.  What ifIt is an interesting topic still since with the excess amount of data collected in the internet age, the way we follow trends is changing.  Although little of the information can be used as an exact roadmap on how to market, it serves as a motivator for outside-of-the-box thinking and finding inspiration in unusual places.

Jean Jacques Evrard is very active in the marketing world, as one of the co-founders of the Pentawards, a Belgian design award competition based on design; he is influential on the look of products today.  What ifPentawards also currently prints books on packaging design.    Brice Auckenthaler is also a prolific marketing presence and has published many books on the idea of innovation.  Both show their eye for the unique and a flare for design in this collection of articles.

What ifWhat If? Insights into brand trends and the birth of new target sectors is in the Santo Domingo Collection available at Widener Library.  Several other books by Jean Jacques Evrard such as The 19th century in Belgium : architecture and interior design / Jos Vandenbreeden, Françoise Dierkens-Aubry ; photography Christine Bastine and Jacques Evrard and Art deco & modernisme / texte de Pierre Puttemans, photographies de Christine Bastin et Jacques Evrard are available in the Loeb Library at the Graduate School of Design.

Thanks to Emma Clement, Santo Domingo Library Assistant, for contributing this post.